Example sentences of "[conj] [modal v] ever [be] " in BNC.

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1 Neither of them believed that mankind was equal , or could ever be so , or would ever seriously wish to be so .
2 ‘ Much good you are , Slorne , or will ever be ! ’
3 A later Murdoch novel , The Sea , the Sea ( 1978 ) , explores in the same unblinking fashion an aspect of human selfhood from another angle : its ageing hero , living cheerfully for himself and cooking dishes that hardly anyone else would want to eat , suddenly rediscovers a lost love , is deranged enough to kidnap her , fails to regain her love in captivity and is forced to accept , by the end , that his old self-sufficient life is all there is or can ever be .
4 In this version of LIFESPAN RDBI the maximum number of mappings that should ever be specified is 301 i.e. one for every user specified at the USER ACCESS , MODULE ACCESS and DC ACCESS keywords and one for the Manager .
5 Although for some years now people have been suing them for outrageous sums well beyond any amount that could ever be insured , when it came to the crunch litigants always settled out of court for a far lower figure .
6 Lord Curzon later called this the most complete surrender of a country 's resources to foreign interest that could ever be imagined , Protest within Persian was such that the Shah was compelled to avoid the concession .
7 She found herself praying , the only thing she did consistently as a physician that could ever be called unprofessional .
8 They were away from home for six weeks and in that time covered thousands of miles , made over forty flights , attended a multitude of receptions , galas and banquets and shook more hands in walkabouts than could ever be counted .
9 It should be emphasised that the shape discrimination required is usually much more subtle than could ever be achieved by verbal shape descriptions , and that the heavier tools of mathematics need to be applied .
10 There are various ways in which this might be done , but by prescribing in advance the appropriate penalty for a whole range of offender/offence combinations , they are all based on a much more systematic approach than could ever be achieved by a system of appellate review ( including the Court of Appeal 's attempt to formulate a series of ‘ guide-line judgements ’ ) .
11 Many more dishes can be made that go direct from stove to table than could ever be produced for a separate dining room or area .
12 Its accommodation was considerably greater than would ever be needed in normal times , but its nationalistic opulence was intended to come into its own every four years , at the inauguration of successive presidents .
13 Low wages are conjoined , in this picture , with atrociously bad houses in which money is eaten away far more voraciously than would ever be thought conceivable in suburbia .
14 The VPO 's playing is one of the set 's main pleasures , but it has to be said it sounds much more prominent than would ever be the case in the opera house .
15 In the female mammal , all the eggs that will ever be ovulated are already present at birth and are stored in a state of ‘ suspended animation ’ in the ovary .
16 He remains synonymous with Manchester United which is more than will ever be said about the principal figures in that disturbing saga of boardroom intrigue which has been occupying our attention this season .
17 Morton went everywhere , boldly going where no man , except possibly George Borrow , had gone before , and visiting more locations in his tiny motor car than will ever be found in the recorded voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise .
18 This is not an experiment that can ever be done , although some people assume that certain remote and isolated faunas , such as those of Australia and Madagascar , can be treated as if they were ancient , as if a trip to Australia were like a trip backwards in a time machine .
19 This means that it is possible to kill many more rabbits in one field at any one time with a rifle than can ever be accomplished with a shotgun .
20 So 98.6% — a far higher percentage than can ever be claimed for the STV — contributed to the election only MdBs .
21 Draining peatbogs to plant trees releases more carbon dioxide than can ever be taken up and stored by the planted trees , according to a report by Friends of the Earth .
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