Example sentences of "[conj] [be] growing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thin overcrowded new shoots and any that are growing into the centre of plants .
2 ‘ I am in covenant with other church leaders in Yorkshire and this , I think has a great significance — the way that we work together and the personal friendships that are growing between us .
3 Currently ( 1993 ) there are some twenty million users worldwide of the most commonly used electronic network , Internet , a figure that is growing at a rate of ten percent per month .
4 This would create ‘ a unity that is growing before our eyes with every mile of railway line that is built , with every international trust and every workers ’ association that is formed ’ .
5 The occasion was an immediately recognisable lunch party , after which Comfort and some of the other guests had gone off to swim in the nearby river , while Anthony and Julia had sat together , digesting and beginning to explore the edges of the feeling that was growing between them .
6 And erm in erm , the er yes the not the Norway , the er the ones that was growing in the shelter of the oak trees , they were surviving alright .
7 She saw too , in her mind 's eye , the heaving bulk of the buffalo bull struggling in the grass in its death throes , saw once more the blindly charging cow and the ragged black vultures flopping down out of the sky , and all these images crowding through her mind heightened the vague sense of turbulence that was growing inside her with the gathering storm .
8 Whatever it was , it sent her flying ; one minute she was up , the next lying in an uncomfortable heap , half in , half out of a pile of brambles that was growing around the base of a tree in a haphazard , choking sort of way .
9 The treatment of these recommendations illustrated the gulf that was growing within Western Europe .
10 On the way Olive Williams pointed out snowdrops which had naturalised and were growing in profusion .
11 The market for stable power supplies for sensitive equipment is worth £1.2bn in Europe and is growing at 10 per cent per year .
12 Angling has mass appeal , and is growing in popularity rather than shrinking , says Mr Houghton .
13 ‘ In 1346 the population of Europe comprised eighty million people , and was growing at a rapid rate .
14 Meanwhile , the interactive development tool and user interface management systems sectors account for 47% of the market but are growing at 65% per year .
15 According to data collated from International Data Corp , Dataquest and CMP Market Research for 1992 , the dynamic data visualisation tools market accounts for about 49% of the workstation graphical user interface market but is growing at less than 10% a year .
16 TV is a late-comer to Cameroon , but is growing in popularity .
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