Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] n't want " in BNC.

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1 Because women 's work is never done , and underpaid , or unpaid , or boring or repetitious and we 're the first to get the sack , and what we look like is more important than what we do , and if we get raped it 's our fault , and if we get bashed we must have provoked it , if we raise our voices we 're nagging bitches , and if we enjoy sex we 're nymphs and if we do n't we 're frigid , and if we love women it 's because we ca n't get a real man , and if we ask our doctor too many questions we 're neurotic and if we expect the community to care for our children we 're selfish , and if we stand up for our rights we 're aggressive and unfeminine , and if we do n't we 're typical weak females , and if we want to get married we 're out to trap a man , and if we do n't we 're unnatural , and because we ca n't get adequate safe contraceptives , but men can walk on the moon , and we ca n't cope or do n't want a pregnancy we 're made to feel guilty about abortion , and for lots and lots of other reasons we 're all part of the Women 's Liberation Movement .
2 Similarly some women ca n't or do n't want to ride in the latter stages of pregnancy but would like their horse kept in work .
3 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
4 If you ca n't or do n't want to give credit yourself and your business should give credit you may be able to solve the problem by using the money of one or more of the credit card companies instead of your own .
5 Or do n't want to . ’
6 If you are n't given a list by the firm , make your own priorities list of all the things you want or do n't want cleaned
7 If you ca n't — or do n't want to — breastfeed , why does it seem that the whole world is out to make you feel guilty ?
8 If you have rented accommodation and ca n't or do n't want to put fabric up permanently- or are not allowed to paint , for that matter-then you can hang fabric instead .
9 Inanna had inherited from her mother a particular form of behaviour to use when she was anxious or did n't want to do something .
10 If they felt they could not follow the diet or did n't want to be committed I asked them to please return all the papers , and about seventy of them did just that .
11 They were too embarrassed or did n't want to make a mountain out of a molehill .
12 He pretended he did n't know me or did n't want to .
13 Too proud , or did n't want the responsibility .
14 This was in front of the cameras , and I thought , ‘ You two-faced bitch ’ , because if I ever tried to talk to her she 'd either be sarcastic or looked through you , looked away or did n't want to know .
15 And he would n't , or did n't want to marry her ? ’
16 Would my honourable friend be able to explain why it was that in the run up to negotiations with respect to the question of increase in the number of seats er , the German government made it quite clear that they were not interested or did n't want to have the additional number of seats and then subsequently , for reasons that have never been fully explained , we then found that er they had an additional eighteen .
17 ‘ No … ! ’ she tried to say against that forceful mouth , but he either did n't hear , or did n't want to hear .
18 But she did n't believe her or did n't want to know .
19 He probably agreed not to go into it like , you know , or did n't want to go into it .
20 Or does n't want his girlfriend worried — though that I doubt . ’
21 Not much , says Mr Day , and he predicts that smaller firms that do n't want to work in regulated areas will break away from the Institute and set up in practice as plain accountants .
22 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
23 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
24 You 've got people that want to get on and you 've got people that do n't want to , you know .
25 So the ones that do n't want to can be left to go somewhere else and let the other ones get on , otherwise they 're going to hold the others back . ’
26 Er yeah I 'm mean in that sort of environment you 're dealing with people that do n't want to be there know this timeshare thing .
27 It 's usually women that do n't want you to know .
28 God you picked it up quick Yeah , look right he just goes , alright I go to him , Oh you know Kim said she ca n't you know force you or anything , and erm , yeah , he goes , he goes he still wants to be friends , and everything and he goes , tell her that do n't want to hold anything against each other , if that 's possible yeah yeah yeah and he no it 's and he said s yeah I know , I know , no he said , okay Well I du n no , you know Paul .
29 They lead a totally different life and we 're trying to provide a resource for people that do n't want that resource .
30 But we 've been honest with our people , we have not paid anyone off , in the fifteen years I 've been at , that did n't want to go .
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