Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [been] told " in BNC.

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1 He was not sure that Jehan had been talking about the arrows , and remembering that Jehan was Burun 's grandson he wondered how much he knew , or had been told , about the plan to obtain Sidacai 's freedom .
2 It is difficult to know what of the next few seconds I remember , or have pieced together , or have been told by Nathan .
3 In the first place , says Freud , the child wo n't obey any longer , necessarily , because now he 's got nothing to fear , and secondly , a child might resent the lie that has been told to him .
4 At a meeting in the Kremlin last Saturday , General Vladimir Kryuchkov , head of the KGB and one of the newest members of the politburo , implicitly admitted the lies that had been told about the role of the secret police in Stalin 's repression .
5 The morals one finds at the end of the fabliaux are generally relevant at least in part to the tales that have been told , and on the whole appear ironic only in the sense of the contrast between the worldly-wise , pragmatic and cynical counselling they most frequently offer and the idealistic norms of Christian moralizing that the reader is otherwise prepared for .
6 It 's a story that 's been told thousands of times since Dickens wrote A Christmas Carol , and now a group of disabled students from Herefordshire Technical college 's assisted learning unit are staging their own version .
7 Platt was left out of Juventus 's opening match last Sunday and has been told he may only play in Juventus ' home game .
8 Telefonica de Espana SA now says it will fight the court ruling ordering it to sell one or other of its holdings in Chile 's two main telecommunications companies — and appeal to international law if necessary : Telefonica has 43.6% in Compania de Telefonos de Chile SA and 20% of Entel Chile SA , and has been told to sell one within 18 months .
9 He still wishes to pursue a medical career , and has been told that he will almost definitely get into medical school .
10 The country effectively run by fourteen Tory backbenchers a Prime Minister who was told by his Party and has been told by his , by the country consistently to get rid of a chancellor who is totally and utterly incompetent .
11 The authority plans to overspend this year and has been told to cut ten million pounds .
12 Ken Stewart , MEP for Merseyside East , has met EC commissioners and has been told that German and French objections to Merseyside gaining a large slice of the European structural fund are no longer a problem .
13 Time is running out because she is in her forties and has been told she only has about 18 months in which to become pregnant before she will be deemed too old .
14 Mrs Falconer is facing compulsory redundancy and has been told that she could stay on the staff if she accepts demotion to ordinary lecturer — a post already held by her sister , Barbara Diack .
15 He was given a life sentence by the judge and has been told by his lawyer that such a term in Thailand means for the rest of his life .
16 They may refuse to respond , on the grounds that they do not know what tiv means ( see Carey , 1978 ) ; they may ask what tiv means , and having been told to guess , offer a response ; or they may select a response without querying tiv .
17 He said he had met the man , whose bona fides he had checked , in a Belfast hotel , and had been told his group held 64 separate documents relating to IRA suspects in the Irish Republic .
18 There is still an abyss or several to be crossed , but the bishop was applauded with vast intensity as he told how he had demanded the release of the 150 people reckoned to have been arrested during the street fighting , and had been told that complaints of police brutality would be investigated if the names of the victims were submitted in writing to the authorities .
19 Before the Brownings left Florence she had enquired of Mr Browning how things stood and had been told very ill , but that this must be kept from his wife until she was in the warm south and better able to stand the inevitable end of it all .
20 But all Gouzenko could say about the other Elli was that he was in ‘ department five of Military intelligence ’ and had been told this by a colleague called Lubimov , or possibly Liubimov , who had worked with him in the GRU code room in Moscow .
21 He had protested that it did not have the money and had been told that ‘ the Minister would not wear a statement that funds were exhausted ’ .
22 I had seen my mother pregnant , and had been told that she was carrying a baby inside her , a little brother or sister for us all .
23 He said that there was definitely a mortuary in Bala and had been told that the key was kept at the police station .
24 Damon could copy anyone 's handwriting and had been told by their class teacher , in a burst of anger , that he would go far , perhaps as far as the Scrubs for forgery .
25 Before moving here , Terry had spoken to one of the big chiefs , whom he called the Haj , and had been told that everything was now winding down , that we 'd all be going soon .
26 Ebert , Fest and I. We were after the assassins of the T'ang 's Minister , Lwo Kang , and had been told to wait for a contact from our Triad connections there .
27 Probably he knew only that Jehana objected to the idea of marrying Artai , and had been told that her family wished to avoid giving offence by rejecting the suit , and so were willing to see her contracted without the preliminary of a courtship .
28 They were allowed out to the ground-floor cloakroom under tactful escort , and had been told they could telephone home from the library .
29 He 'd had a couple of sessions with his union rep and had been told not to worry , it was just a way of filling some quota ; if anything , his job was probably more secure now than it had been before .
30 But there was a one day in which Frenchie Nick Nicholson erm brought all the tail-enders across and had been told the one thing he should n't do was be last he was thinking I 'm not last and behind you then he came in in front of him and he was last .
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