Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pron] to create " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , we that right , people will still move if unemployment 's high , but if you try , if the government tries and gets rid of unem urban unemployment , say people have moved because of it , so there 's unemployment there to start with because of the reasons we 've discussed earlier , so then the government said okay , well let's get rid of the unemployment that has occurred already , by erm , either , at the same wage rate trying to well yes , the same , they 'll keep wage rates the same , but erm , increase , you know , make the public sector bigger or , or do something to create urban jobs , and basically all it will do is , encourage more migrants because they 'll see the probability of getting a job will increase so the expected wage will increase so you 'll get migration on top of what 's already occurring .
2 If we carefully analyse the frequencies contained within speech it is possible to devise a system of rules that allows us to create any given sound from its basic frequencies .
3 Questmaker is a program that allows you to create your own graphics adventure games using the questmaker editors in conjunction with a graphics editor like PC Paintbrush , for the creation of graphic screens with a PCX format .
4 It has a colour stamp facility that allows you to create your own images to be copied onto an existing screen without wiping out the background .
5 I can dimly recall the challenges of testing a router photograph , and using it to create the November 1989 cover , while the picture of Mark Wilkinson 's treehouse made the February 1990 cover one of my favourites , especially as the references to Czechoslovakia and East Germany coincided with the break up of the Eastern Bloc .
6 I personally registered my version of Frombat and used it to create the Transend Menu Program , issued with every Shareware disc , and the Transend Catalogue which only took 3 hours to write .
7 To achieve this Lazarsfeld borrowed a notion from mathematics and logic , that of the variable , and used it to create a way of thinking about social science in both its theoretical and empirical aspects .
8 The NeXT Computer company , headed by Steve Jobs ( co-designer of the Apple Macintosh ) , are releasing NeXTSTEP 486 , an object-oriented system that gives complete software data compatibility , unlimited multitasking both locally and across a network , and allows you to create custom applications on your desktop .
9 In an attempt to fulfil his promise to prevent Aristide from taking office on Feb. 7 , Lafontant declared himself provisional president , and committed himself to create a " true democracy " and to " wipe out the blot and bloody insult " of the Dec. 16 election .
10 Screw this in , and remove it to create the thread .
11 We 'll be concentration on spot perms , taking one area of the head , and perming it to create body ’ .
12 In social life we build personal ‘ constructs ’ ( Kelly 1955 ) and use them to create consistent patterns of relating with others .
13 … perhaps the computer … will alter our minds and powers of analysis once again , and enable us to create new dimensions in the deep-down logic of characters .
14 This month , I have given you 23 small designs and invite you to create your own individual picture .
15 In other versions Isis collected parts of the body and rejoined them to create mummy , performing rites which gave the dead Osiris eternal life .
16 Spread all the remaining green royal icing over the cake drum around the stable , and stipple it to create a grass effect by placing the flat side of a palette knife on to the icing and drawing it upwards in little strokes .
17 This utility allows you to perform simple file management tasks such as copying and formatting disks as well as allowing you to create menus which provide access to software other than the InteSoft series .
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