Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [art] better " in BNC.

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1 Those engaged in this process would be well advised to remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson : ‘ If a man write a better book , preach a better sermon , or make a better mousetrap than his neighbour , though he build his house in the woods , the world will make a beaten path to his door . ’
2 If women 's lives were often painfully limited , it was possible to find or make a better self in the mirror .
3 If anybody if anything survives because it can chew better or gallop better or bring forth it 's young alive or has a better circulation , it 's not the species .
4 American employees have always been more willing than Europeans to move a few thousand miles to follow a job , or take a better one .
5 Or to achieve a better balance between work , rest and play ?
6 Choosing the right car is a hard task , especially one that fits a better quality of life .
7 As a result , there have been changes to land-clearance contracts , including the replacement of grasses by leguminous species that provide a better protective cover and enhance the nitrogen content of the soil .
8 He may be able to command as large an audience as anyone , yet he remains one of the least showy of performers , preserving a musical integrity and discrimination that deserved a better conductor than Elio Boncompagni , and certainly one who might have persuaded more sophisticated playing from a dispirited Royal Philharmonic .
9 In the middle of the circle was one hut that had a better roof than the others , so it would keep out the wind and the rain .
10 The greatest challenge is public education in order to reduce fear and to promote a better understanding of the aims of services .
11 If you want to tone up your body and develop a better shape there is no doubt that swimming , keep-fit exercises and yoga will help enormously .
12 This water had been there a very long time , and smelled no better than it should .
13 But it will reduce the likelihood of those forces re-emerging as a threat to the West and favour a better military balance between the former Soviet republics .
14 This generally works out cheaper , allows you to incorporate photographs and colour and produces a better result .
15 Ours were led on a policy led planning process which was driven by the needs of , which are clearly identified in the an anti poverty strategy which is designed to protect the services , the jobs , to regenerate the local economy and make a better place to live and for children to grow up in .
16 Then when I 'd proved I could do that really well , horrible and moronic as it was , I let myself off and got a better job nearer my heart 's desire . "
17 Sometime later I had replaced the clubs and got a better set than I originally had after that I thought I was quite lucky that they had been stolen .
18 ‘ We are here , ’ de Craon began smoothly , ‘ to represent our master 's interests and to establish a better relationship between King Philip IV and the Scottish throne .
19 Of the two benzalkonium chloride is less affected by hard water and has a better disinfection capability .
20 The nearest town to the estate is Strada — said to have received its name from an old Roman road — but Grassina is easier to reach and has a better range of shops .
21 I thought that it was right that I should talk to you , try and build a better picture of Michael . ’
22 The South Belfast mother of four is selling her Newtownbreda home , the house contents and her car to follow her ambition and build a better life for her family .
23 In the long-term , ANWIC aims to help empower women to communicate more effectively and to obtain a better representation in the media hierarchy .
24 BEDS group , Airsprung , swopped Habitat for MFI and found a better market for its pine furniture .
25 They are intended to reinforce the main aim of the National Health Service — to help people live longer and enjoy a better quality of life .
26 The aims of counselling are to help students to share their difficulties , whether emotional , academic or involving relationships , and to find a better resolution .
27 The aims of counselling are to help students to share their difficulties , whether emotional , academic or involving relationships , and to find a better resolution .
28 Even if an NHS trust can be demonstrated to be in the interests of patients to reduce waiting lists and provide a better quality of service , they would reject it because they put politics before patients .
29 ( 4 ) It shall be the task of the all-German legislator to introduce regulations no later than Dec. 31 , 1992 , which ensure better protection of unborn life and provide a better solution in conformity with the constitution of conflict situations faced by pregnant women — notably through legally guaranteed entitlements for women , first and foremost to advice and public support — than is the case in either part of Germany at present .
30 I would argue at least that concentrating a group of students on one course should enable our scholarships staff both to tailor a more relevant course and to provide a better service to students .
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