Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 In this spirit , and doubtless moved by these very arguments , early in 1987 Kenneth Baker set up his committee under the chairmanship of G. R. Higginson , the Vice-Chancellor of Southampton University , to recommend principles that should govern A level syllabuses and their assessment ‘ in the light of the Government 's commitment to retain GCE Advanced level examinations as an essential means for setting standards of excellence , and with the aim of maintaining or improving the present character and rigorous standards of these examinations ’ .
2 The common Unix desktop that represents the present manifestation of the Common Open Software Environment , COSE , is just a first step on the road to a much more comprehensive common Unix environment .
3 Rank Organisation ( owner of 49% of Rank Xerox and a variety of leisure activities ) has issued an 8.25p convertible preference that has a present price of 94p , giving a gross yield of 11.7% .
4 It is the Convent of St Saviour that forms the present complex .
5 It means the savings expected to follow council reform could be less than suggested — an issue which may become crucial since the Government has been anxious to demonstrate that dismantling the present two-tier council structure would bring meaningful savings .
6 It would be far more useful to Africa to have a smaller amount of total aid on this basis , than to retain the present system where thinking and strategy is dominated by donors , to the extent that national governments have almost lost control over public initiatives in their own countries .
7 The Mai Po marshes that abut the present Chinese border are the last marshes left in Hong Kong .
8 But it was not economic distress that precipitated the present crisis .
9 The results could be vaccines against flu that provide much longer immunity against influenza , than do the present killed-virus vaccines .
10 In attributing origins it is hard to disentangle the input of Ministers and that of officials , or the operational services , political or Parliamentary influences , or interest groups ; nor does the present civil service culture encourage any attempt to do so .
11 ‘ Prejudice is a burden which confuses the past , threatens the future , and renders the present inaccessible ’ , she has written .
12 Looking at the report and using the present criteria for increase in pensions and these are the figures that I did n't produce but er they look pretty bleak as I said because what the pensions can expect next year will be eighty four P for single pensioners and one twenty eight in that area for a couple and then we had look at we have some concern of what happened yesterday in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer who said he is going to extend V A T and also it has now been that instead of putting on half of it in nineteen ninety four he put the full pile at seventeen and a half percent in nineteen ninety four because what was being saved is that if he 's leave the other half to nineteen ninety five it 'll be round near the elections and er there could be some difficulty .
13 Firstly , if the argument is that any of the suggested markets — be they for products , corporate control or managerial talent — at present actually operates to constrain corporate managers , this is not something which is empirically demonstrated , and given the present nature of these markets it seems an implausible claim .
14 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
15 Around 1876 Constance demolished the majority of the old foundry buildings , and built the present Camp Mill .
16 In 1871 , Josef Schulz restored it and created the present fantasy .
17 When the banks finally broke , the sea captured both arms of the river Rother , and created the present estuary south of Rye .
18 The United States has global interests , and keeping the present far-from-stable nuclear balance in the world from getting less stable still is one of them .
19 Simply describing , assessing and costing the present pattern of services was a massive task , but in addition new information and accounting systems for contract monitoring , invoicing and capital charging had to be installed and capital asset registers compiled for every asset worth more than £2,000 .
20 The view from above in Fig. 194 illustrates the plan and construction of the building and shows the present entrance door on the left and the eastern apses on the right .
21 The people who are seizing and occupying the present time can not belong in my colour , they 're like the bits that leap out of a spinning bowl , too heavy , too separate and distinct to be blended in with the other substances ; red-hot stones , flung out and setting on fire the place where they land .
22 Netherlandish Drawings is the culmination of years of research conducted by Felice Stampfle , Charles W. Engelhard Curator Emeritus of Drawings and Prints at the Morgan Library , who headed the department from 1945 to 1984 , and began the present volume after her retirement .
23 This would preserve people 's ability to take payment method into account when choosing their jobs , and maintain the present guarantee for existing workers that their payment method can not be changed against their will .
24 Council officers say the vandalism has been consistent and meant the present exhibition Funny Energy had to be open for restricted hours only .
25 In the late seventeenth century too the main road from London to Aberystwyth did not pass through Oxford but followed the present minor road ( B4027 ) to the north , via Islip and Woodstock to Enstone and then via the modern A34 to Stratford-on-Avon .
26 North Yorkshire chief executive Ron Leyland said they were glad to be among the first considered but felt the present system worked well .
27 As explained above , the main feature of these proposals is that the UK should adopt an Article 85-type law on restrictive trade practices , and an Article 86-type law on abuse of market power ( though this is only one of the options put forward ) , while retaining the present UK arrangements for mergers policy .
28 If in any given case the land in dispute is unbuilt land and the squatter is aware that the owner , while having no present use for it , has a purpose in mind for its use in the future , the court is likely to require very clear evidence before it can be satisfied that the squatter who claims a possessory title has not only established factual possession of the land , but also the requisite intention to exclude the world at large , including the owner with the paper title , so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow .
29 Certain valuable steps could be taken to reform and strengthen the law whilst retaining the present structure of sexual offences : the marital rape exemption could be abolished and liability for rape could be extended to cover defendants whose belief in consent , given their capacities , was wholly unreasonable .
30 But leaving that aside , as I have already explained , the court will not be ‘ hearing and determining the swap cases together ’ and I do not think those words can be stretched so as to include the present procedural arrangements .
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