Example sentences of "[adv] preparing for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Soldiers were beginning to look at the clock and fumble with equipment , apparently preparing for a guard change .
2 The driver was obviously preparing for a grand-prix start .
3 Jamila said nothing and Helen was eager to talk about Charlie , a subject on which she was obviously preparing for an advanced degree .
4 Although winter is still firmly in control in the far northern regions of the Arctic , birds are already preparing for the coming season by moulting into fresh breeding plumage .
5 Congressional threats to resist the dissolution of the Congress , however , were not expected to materialize and the major parties were already preparing for the election campaign .
6 The mornings of Sunday and Monday were spent setting up the arena , putting in some dance and fight practice , and generally preparing for the show before the pre-show meeting .
7 The difference , of course , is that the specials are not preparing for a conflict that we hope will never happen .
8 Irvine had been killed , not preparing for a piss but to carry out the same amorous duties I had .
9 THE Royal Family spent yesterday preparing for the Christmas festivities much like any other family .
10 Tony was always preparing for the future with David and with MainMan , so he was always two or three steps ahead of himself .
11 As I oversee the finishing touches of this Christmas issue of Pipeline , I am also preparing for a special production of my own !
12 At the same time , elements of the 1st Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers ( 1 RFF ) , one of two non-parachute-trained battalions in the brigade , are also preparing for an airborne operation .
13 Thousands of refugees in Afghanistan who 've fled conflict and civil war are now preparing for a further challenge … the bitter winter ahead .
14 They are now preparing for a special anniversary concert in the Crypt Concert Room at the cathedral on November 14 .
15 Now preparing for the next ten years , Stevo refuses to be predictable .
16 We are now preparing for the next critical round .
17 And I 'd got all me bits , different books out preparing for the crucifixion .
18 Since 12 drawings do n't make a show , I borrowed the title The Non-Objective World , from Malevich and set about preparing for an exhibition of lesser-known artists of the early period ( 1914–24 ) .
19 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
20 Members of the community association worked very hard preparing for the annual village show .
21 Sometimes , when preparing for a long haul , I would only manage four hours ' rest , but that night I was asleep by eleven-thirty and did not rise till six .
22 In the bottom half of the draw Chris Wilkinson was again preparing for a second challenge to Jeremy Bates ' domination as he overcame strong challenges from Italy , South Africa and Sweden to reach his second final .
23 For most of the period , from the first conquests in the fourteenth century until the rise of the South Slav nationalist movements in the nineteenth century , the empire was either preparing for a war against its Christian neighbours , fighting a war or recovering from a war .
24 Cos you 're actually preparing for the credits bef the year , the academic year before are n't you ?
25 Like everyone else I talked to , he condemned the present education structure that encourages children to take A-level — a course that is simply not appropriate for many of those currently preparing for the exam .
26 The Carlists had been building up the paramilitary Requeté since the early days of the Republic and seriously preparing for a rising since 1934 .
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