Example sentences of "[adv] derived from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I puzzled over this one for some time and came to the conclusion that my children 's concept of life is largely derived from fairy stories in which anybody with power is always male .
2 The lower unit is characterised by an average porosity of about 13% which is largely derived from vugs produced by leaching of replacement anhydrite .
3 In English , in fact , graphology is largely derived from phonology : our alphabetic writing system represents , however imperfectly , the sounds of speech , and punctuation , at least in part , duplicates the roles of stress and intonation in spoken discourse .
4 Braitenberg says these internal connections are of two kinds : local interconnections of about 1 mm , which are largely derived from collaterals of axons leaving one region of neocortex and carrying messages elsewhere ; and long-range , distant connections carried by the axons I have just mentioned .
5 Support for this comes from the finding that faecal protease activity , largely derived from bacteria , is increased threefold in colitis .
6 The transfer function of the second-order low-pass filter shown in figure 12.2(a) is ( see equation ( 12.12 ) ) while that of the corresponding high-pass filter with capacitance C' in place of inductance L and inductance L' in place of capacitance C is From equations ( 12.33 ) and ( 12.35 ) it is apparent that to synthesise the prototype low-pass response with unit cut-off pulsatance , the inductance L and capacitance C must satisfy Equations ( 12.34 ) and ( 12.36 ) similarly show that to synthesise the planned high-pass response with cut-off pulsatance the capacitance C' and inductance L' must satisfy Combining equation ( 12.37 ) with equation ( 12.39 ) and equation ( 12.38 ) with equation ( 12.40 ) reveals that Thus high-pass filters are easily derived from low-pass designs .
7 This class maintains the smooth running of the social order and economic system , but differs from the dominant bourgeois class in that its wealth is not derived from capital .
8 Chief Constables , for example , are n a different position from other chief officers by holding executive authority in their own right ( and not derived from councillors ) , an arrangement which lies at the heart of suggestions that the police are less accountable for their actions than other local-authority employees ( Oliver , 1987 ) .
9 The clubmosses , which created most of the coal seams , are more closely related to ferns than they are to pine trees , and oil — from which most synthetics are obtained — is not derived from plants at all .
10 It is important that this works well for records to ensure retrieval across media and different sources and is not derived from data management methodologies alone .
11 Whether such , perhaps resulting from crosses with male plants not far away , would have survived competition with those possibly derived from crosses with more distant fathers , in a mixed infructescence is not clear but this example and several others show how unrestrictive certain ‘ syndromes ’ are .
12 For the complexes 2 and 3 ( which are formally derived from PtenCl 2 , 1 ) the pattern of transcriptional blockages is broadly similar to that observed for PtenCl 2 , 1 .
13 Their rise during the Industrial Revolution was expressed in capital accumulation ; the status of the aristocracy still derived from birth and ownership of land .
14 Fibre is the indigestible component of our diet , almost always derived from vegetable produce , and it is those components of the diet that can not be broken down by the digestive system which in turn pass into the large bowel and contribute to the bulk of faecal waste matter .
15 The names are usually derived from Latin or Greek — ‘ Tyrannosaurus ’ means ‘ tyrant lizard ’ and ‘ rex ’ ‘ king ’ so the animal is appropriately described as King of the tyrant lizards : rex is the specific name , unique to this species .
16 The ideas behind it are partly derived from Hartley 's chapter on The Pleasures and Pains of the Imagination , which explained that — ‘ the grandeur of some [ natural ] scenes , and the novelty of others , by exciting surprise and wonder [ makes ] a great difference in the preceding and subsequent states of mind ’ ; he also contrasted ‘ the offensiveness , dangers , and corruption of populous cities , and the health , tranquillity and innocence which the actual view , or mental contemplation , of rural scenes introduces ’ .
17 The ambiguity in Soviet interpretations of the 1931 treaty partly derived from Article 6 which permitted both parties full freedom of action to establish any relations and alliances with third parties provided that such links do not contradict the other provisions of the treaty .
18 This theory is partly derived from Max Weber 's attempts to relate the rise of capitalism ( the epitome of modern society ) with the Protestant ethic and to show how other different belief systems ( like the religions of the Orient ) inhibited the rise of modern society .
19 The decorated samian was illustrated by means of rubbings , but the descriptions are carefully detailed with full references and dates clearly derived from Knorr and Déchelette .
20 For its text is clearly derived from Ayres for the Theatre , published in 1697 , in which it appeared without trumpet parts but with one or two tell-tale misprints .
21 But the compositions , which are now built up of a series of flat planes mounting upwards behind each other in shallow depth , are clearly derived from Cézanne .
22 This motif occurs also at his church of North Runcton , Norfolk , rebuilt 1703–13 , which shares with All Saints ' in Northampton the plan of a Greek cross within a rectangle , probably derived from Wren 's St Mary-at-Hill .
23 However P3U1 ( 61 ) , P3X63 Ag8 ( 49 , 50 , 61 , 62 ) and P3/X63.653 ( 63 ) which are also derived from MOPC 21 do not express Oct-11 detectably .
24 They include substance P and neurokinin A that are both derived from processing of the precursor polypeptides encoded by the preprotachykinin A gene ( PPT ) ( 2 ) .
25 As habitus , this distinction between the Kantian and anti-Kantian aesthetic is both derived from material conditions , and in turn provides an insight into a classificatory scheme which may be applied to an infinite number of actual material and consumption domains .
26 The last thirty years have seen the vigorous development of new techniques ( often derived from chemistry , physics and biology ) for the investigation of crime .
27 This privileged memory , spontaneously derived from sense association , is something of course that other writers , such as Châteaubriand , Nerval , Baudelaire , had pointed to before Proust .
28 More recently , social policy in this country has been informed by political economy — that tradition , primarily but not exclusively derived from Marxism , which identifies the ideological character of disciplinary boundaries and looks for explanations of the nature of social structure and social process in terms of the character of the dominant mode of production ( see Gough , 1979 ) .
29 The result has been a reduction in party funds , which have been almost exclusively derived from membership , of about 15 per cent .
30 From a variationist point of view , however , this is not necessarily conclusive , as language is variable at all times ; thus , it could be the case that modern [ h ] -ful and [ h ] -less varieties are each equally derived from varieties in which [ h ] -loss was variable — not categorically absent or categorically present .
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