Example sentences of "[adv] bound [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But on the face of it , Borg is preeminent within that small category of sportsmen — they are almost invariably men , because women are at least offered an alternative role by Nature — whose existence seems entirely bound up with their success .
2 You may say that it is refutable and so it is empirical ; but then — see below — our criteria for cognisance are so much bound up with what the subject can do that it is difficult to see how we could assess the cognisance of a totally passive creature . )
3 To the Idealists , man was essentially ‘ a social creature ’ and one very much bound up with the State .
4 The reconversion of one portion of the value of the product into capital and the passing of another portion into the individual consumption of the capitalist as well as the working class form a movement within the value of the product itself in which the result of the aggregate capital finds expression ; and this movement is not only a replacement of value , but also a replacement in material and is therefore as much bound up with the relative proportions of the value-components of the total social product as with their use-value , their material shape .
5 Like its fragmented nature , housework 's ‘ never-endingness ’ is so much bound up with the idea of housework that the two are not conceived apart .
6 The history of the use of herbs in food is naturally bound up with the history of food itself .
7 Also , since conjunction is a device for signalling relations between chunks of information , it is naturally bound up with both the chunking of information , how much to say in one go , and with how the relations between such chunks of information are perceived and signalled .
8 It was also a source of fees for more distant associates and although such relationships were more vulnerable to dynastic change , because less bound up with the territorial dominance of the lord of Middleham , some did nevertheless survive the transfer of power in 1471 .
9 It was also a source of fees for more distant associates and although such relationships were more vulnerable to dynastic change , because less bound up with the territorial dominance of the lord of Middleham , some did nevertheless survive the transfer of power in 1471 .
10 The relationship between society and the state has been a central concern of western political and social thought for the last four hundred years , one crucially bound up with attempts to understand and evaluate the character of new social , political , economic and intellectual forms associated with the development of a capitalist world economy .
11 Playing Richard is so bound up with physical attitude , and I think that as actors we are not well enough equipped to meet that kind of physical thinking in that kind of role .
12 I will because Mr Mayor I think that councillor started off his response to this by talking about ghettos and a lot of differences between the better off and the worst off and I , the feeling I got from his speech was that what he was actually driving at was he was attempting to perpetuate the class distinction that the Labour party have been so bound up with over the years .
13 It was not that I eventually doubted that the Almighty responded to faith , but that because I had been so bound up by the desert , so full of self-interest , so neglectful of the God I was supposed to serve , that I could not have expected any co-operation from him .
14 For the first time for a long while , Corbett felt wanted and warmed to these simple yet sophisticated men so bound up in their own routine of prayer , work and study that they regarded any visitor as a visible sign of God 's grace .
15 It may appear rather odd that a book on an emerging language devotes a chapter to the process of translating meaning from that language to another and vice versa ( especially when this second language will be , virtually always , English ) , but the development of BSL , and its community of users is so bound up in its treatment by hearing people that it is essential to have some discussion on the matter .
16 The point I have just made , about the dangers of the teacher being so bound up in her or his research that a genuinely critical perspective is made more unlikely , links to another argument that is often heard .
17 We all know in very broad terms that locality is somehow bound up with social relations and social change .
18 Perhaps monotony , fragmentation and excessive pace are noted by few housewives and are not bound up with a dominant feeling of dissatisfaction .
19 Would she ever have any memories that were not bound up with Fen ?
20 The reason the market economy or catallaxy produces fresh wealth rather than simply redistributing existing wealth is critically bound up with the way in which market prices act as signals containing vital information .
21 Values education is largely bound up with behaviour , and teachers blame the lowered expectations in behaviour on the emotional troubles imported from home — and on parents who have failed to draw the line on behaviour for their offspring .
22 Such optimism was too firmly embedded in the culture of the profession , and too deeply bound up with medical authority and status , for it to be in any way seriously threatened .
23 That man , okay , singular , who was then each one of us , plural , erm erm , I take it that , that erm one of the things that we could conclude from this entire discussion is that our notion of selfhood erm which is our modern notion of selfhood , deeply bound up with erm personal history , you know , Locke 's erm , what is Locke 's example ?
24 Associated with them was the potentially much more radical assumption that the foreign relations of States were indissolubly bound up with the structure of their internal politics .
25 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
26 Yet from Justin onwards , they were seeing the destinies of the empire mysteriously bound up with God 's purposes being worked out through his church .
27 Do we have here an expression of the belief that the redemption of nature is integrally bound up with man 's redemption ?
28 Our personalities and our capacities for relationship with and to others are integrally bound in with our sexuality and its exercise .
29 The preoccupied merchant , whose attention is totally bound up with his commercial affairs and who consequently neglects his wife , is a stock figure of fabliau-type narrative ( compare , for instance , La Bourgoise d'Orliens , Le Cuvier , " The bathtub " , or L'Enfant qui fu remis au soleil , " The child who was given back to the sun " ) .
30 There was a part of me that did n't want it , and there was a part of me that was still bound up in it . ’
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