Example sentences of "[adv] unlike the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By 1918 these fears had reached fever pitch ; one Conservative MP recalled that his family had expected that the end of the war would be followed by atrocities like those in Russia , that " families like ours would be strung up from the nearest lamp post " ; Robert Sanders was surprised to see on Armistice Day that the crowds were actually cheering the King , so unlike the fate of the Russian royal family a few months earlier .
2 So unlike the home life of our dear Queen , ’ the character played by Roland Young comments in the presence of some wild African dancers .
3 So unlike the child whose body he wore .
4 So unlike the attitude of his equally famous French contemporary : nine years earlier , Boswell ‘ mentioned our design to Voltaire .
5 He laughed , a low rumble , not so unlike the thunder that was unrelentingly outside the door .
6 Then she laughed ; her laughter so cold , so unlike the laughter he had known from her , that it made his flesh tingle with fear .
7 One could wish that to celebrate this moving occasion ( for it is at least a partial farewell ) a master of verbal portraiture were at hand ; though so elusive is personality , so unlike the impression that the same person may make on different observers , we might well have no great faith in the verisimilitude of the sketch , if produced .
8 Which would raise the further question whether this way , as practised by Olson , and by Williams in Paterson , is n't so unlike the ways of poetry as we have known it that to call their works ‘ poems ’ does n't merely confuse the whole issue .
9 It was an old number , fast and furious , and he held her hand and twirled her around , pulling her in close , propelling her away , looking relaxed and so unlike the Luke Denner that she had come to love to hate that she wondered if she was n't hallucinating .
10 As Eric Fawcett recalls , ‘ It was a polymer so unlike the polymers known at the time that no one could envisage a use for it .
11 It was all so unlike the train life of our own dear Queen .
12 He sounded so utterly unlike the Leo she thought she was used to that she automatically obeyed .
13 In the changed circumstances the sale of the property was understandable , but its loss , not unlike the sinking of a flag ship , was nevertheless a blow .
14 Humankind , to summarise , has been moving shoddywards since about 480 BC , when Confucius , Buddha , the Second Isaiah and Pythagoras died : to be succeeded , sages of wisdom and toleration that they were , by a return to superstition not unlike the reactions that tragically followed the Enlightenment or Victorian rationalism .
15 The man who kicks his car because it refuses to start ( and he has not checked the petrol gauge ) is not unlike the toddler who kicks the table for walking into him .
16 Joseph Butler 's ideas were seen in particular as a challenge to Wesley 's ( not unlike the way in which the present Bishop of Durham is seen as a challenge to contemporary evangelical ways of thinking ) .
17 Wollaton is the most extraordinary of his houses , but it suffers from an over-abundance of motifs not unlike the over-abundance which mars much Elizabethan literature .
18 The inside of each binding is a compacted mass of yellowed fatty tissue in which whorls and furling can be seen , looking not unlike the surface of the cerebral cortex .
19 Evidently the present is in some respects not unlike the past .
20 In Young 's time most of the cattle in Norfolk were in fact Scottish by origin , brought from their native regions to fatten in East Anglia , but the Norfolk Red was an old local middle-horned breed not unlike the Devon in colour and horn growth , and described as ‘ as loose and ill-made as bad Suffolks ’ .
21 In the United States , although a social survey movement not unlike the tradition of Booth , Rowntree and , later , Bowley , was prominent in the early years of the twentieth century , different political traditions , among other things , gave rise to a different use of social surveys .
22 It was not unlike the tone of the engine ; a rumble from the boiler of the beast .
23 A female monster of Greco-Roman mythology , not unlike the GORGON or the Scottish GLAISTIG fairy in her gruesome habits .
24 Both guitars share Mr. Donahue 's preferred neck profile , medium-deep and noticeably ‘ V ’ shaped , not unlike the ones Fender were turning out in late ‘ 56 and ‘ 57 .
25 The parents and four children — three boys and a girl — lived in an air of smug bourgeois prosperity and Catholic pedagogy , not unlike the cameos of their more famous namesake , James Joyce , in the earlier chapters of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man .
26 SIMON WILLIAMS enters their world , where style , glamour , sexiness and tack are kings , and hears a glorious noise not unlike The Smiths beamed back to 1973 .
27 This is not unlike the high-technology if , vestment profile except that it is generalised to situations where the expected risks of high technology are absent .
28 ‘ This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality ’ — which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical , and that the novel may not be very funny .
29 Stand-offs on the forward cross spar provide positive if angular camber to form an aerofoil , but if used to force a batten into such a profile , the effect of further stand-offs from the rear cross-spars on the same batten is to form a gentle reflex , not unlike the wing section of a soaring bird .
30 Millennia ago the Sahara was a green rain-fed savanna , not unlike the plains of East Africa today .
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