Example sentences of "[adv] call for a " in BNC.

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1 It does not necessarily call for an ethical content , so facts are often distorted or falsified for self-interest .
2 Such a reformulation would not only call for a reassessment of traditional notions and practices — balance , impartiality , objectivity , ownership , editorial sovereignty — but would also require the media to improve upon their present performances in explaining events in the world .
3 The Crown 's practical arguments were that the case was so rare that it could not call for a fundamental reformulation of the law and that it was impossible for their lordships to set limits on the application of the principle which , being a matter of policy , was a question for the legislature .
4 Why not call for a copy of the latest edition of our brochure ‘ PRACTICAL AND CREATIVE CONTRACT CARPETING ’ or to discuss your next project ?
5 Projects of this sort certainly do not call for an elaborate cost-benefit analysis ; resources should be assigned to them on the basis of a simple ‘ back-of-an-envelope ’ analysis or an informed subjective decision .
6 The audience , sparse and sad , do not call for an encore , but Mo and McNamara embark upon a lonely farewell tune just the same .
7 ‘ If you stay here she 'll probably call for a dozen more rehearsals of that damn kiss — so why do n't we cut out of here for a while and go for a coffee ?
8 The culprit is the G string slot , which has been cut away at too sharp an angle , leaving the string supported on a tiny knife-edge ; this slot will wear much faster than the others , which will eventually call for a premature nut replacement , or at least some fancy manoeuvring with superglue and baking soda .
9 you have to call for those in favour intention will you now call for a vote for those against
10 The Premier League clubs were so unaninmous in their view against a second division that chief executive Rick Parry did not even call for a vote on the issue .
11 They are there because to have something distinctive to say can frequently call for a distinctive way of saying it-a way that will make an author 's words come fresh and vivid off the page .
12 We still use the old byre for milking and the few cows I keep do n't call for a new mechanical milker .
13 The intransigence of both coal owners and the union ensured that conflict was inevitable , and with it the threat of a wider conflict whereby the TUC would at least call for a coal embargo from its constituent unions .
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