Example sentences of "[adv] call it a " in BNC.

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1 I will perhaps call it a constipation in glass , wrote Harsnet , not a delay in glass , but an advance , he wrote , on my last readymade , the hard stool , my present to Goldberg on the occasion of his third wedding .
2 ‘ But I still used to pose on the bike for publicity purposes , ’ she 'd say archly over her tea and Eccles cakes , ‘ until the varicose veins started to show through me silver tights and Flaherty said I 'd better call it a day and let them find themselves another pin-up girl . ’
3 If , if X was a million say , you could forget about a million minus ten , let's just call it a million ,
4 Building societies and banks have finally abandoned their secrecy and pretence over their ‘ inspection ’ and do not call it a structural survey any more .
5 They may not call it a " pedagogical grammar " , but it is what they will mean .
6 He excuses it by calling it ‘ a scherzo in minuet clothing ’ Why not call it a minuet in minuet clothing ?
7 ‘ Would n't exactly call it a band , ’ said Uncle Albert .
8 The high-relief figure — one could hardly call it a three-dimensional effigy — is placed on a plain black ledger lying on the floor , and appears as a body rising vertically from the grave .
9 Where the lawn had been grew a large clump you could hardly call it a copse — of coconut palms .
10 You can hardly call it a group-it is too loose-knit .
11 But what about when she does eventually call it a day .
12 The rules were based on the principle of substitution using a common ‘ radical ’ ( we would now call it a parent ) to denote members of the same family .
13 You ca n't really call it a positional isomer as such
14 Sometimes they would stroll under the leafy canopies of the Mardyke , where the river was not a river at all but a stream — his father used to say that you could n't even call it a branch of the Lee , perhaps a twig at best — often dried-up in summer and so narrow that he could nearly have jumped across it if he had been allowed ; at other times their route would take them down the Marina where the river was a broad rink-like expanse that copied in shimmering reflections the haughty hills of Montenotte drawing themselves up from its other side .
15 ‘ In fact , I would n't even call it a slap , because she does n't cry , she just looks at me and laughs . ’
16 Well you could even call it a system .
17 ‘ Do n't call it a do , ’ Claire said .
18 Well , you ca n't call it a crime , can you , looking the other way in a cafe when somebody 's nicking your vehicle from a lay-by ? ’
19 ‘ What about your lean old arse — I could n't call it a bum in all conscience — grinding away on the saddle of your bike ? ’
20 Actually he did n't call it a third round , since he did n't solicit new entries but used the same 63 as for Round 2 .
21 But it was true , what Jim said , in business you ca n't stand still , you go up or you go down , you ca n't just sit comfortably in your own 1972 executive four-bedroomed plate-glass-windowed centrally heated wall-to-wall-carpeted gadget-equipped house , with your Rover and your wife 's Mini in the two-car garage , and your pot plants in your loggia , and your electric lawn mower in the shed : you ca n't sit still and enjoy it , you ca n't call it a day and call a halt when you own it all and do n't owe anyone a penny , you have to go on and on , relentlessly onwards , juggling with larger and larger sums , owing more , paying out more , until finally perhaps the whole thing comes tumbling round your head like a pack of cards .
22 You ca n't call it a National Anthem , because it covers the the twelve or more states of the European Union , as it is now , and do you know what that is , the the Anthem for the European Union .
23 ‘ We might as well call it a night , ’ said Pumfrey , weariness having settled over his thrusting manner .
24 ‘ We may as well call it a day now , though .
25 You may indeed call it a temperamental difference , but I venture we are talking about something rather more .
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