Example sentences of "[adv] caught [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The southern Vietminh , no less than those in the north , were to resist both principle and practice of the French return to power ; the French were unprepared for any alternative and Gracey 's forces were effectively caught in the middle .
2 He always got more than his share of sleeping time but was rarely caught between the sheets .
3 Although fixed gill-nets may drown more tucuxi , they generally avoid shallow inshore areas , and are therefore rarely caught in the beach seines which are such a hazard for the boto .
4 Curry played on that sense of panic when intimately caught with the money-grabbing Spettigue ( Patrick Cargill ) or the more civilised Sir Francis Chesney ( Frank Windsor ) who eventually found his long lost love when the real Donna Lucia did arrive .
5 , Japan 's whaling fleet returned from a trip to the Antarctic with 327 minke whales , all caught under the " scientific purposes " guise .
6 The section does not apply to contractual guarantees , as between a seller and a purchaser , as these are obviously caught under the appropriate sections of the UCTA relating to contracts , in so far as they should be caught at all ( see s 5(3) ) .
7 The columns of MLs led by the destroyer riding high out of the water were suddenly caught in the harsh glare of the west bank searchlight .
8 Police mishandling of the case of the ‘ Yorkshire Ripper ’ , who was not caught despite the evidence available , was subject to scrutiny and complaints .
9 But violence unconnected with sex was still not caught by the Miller test , since obscenity was defined as necessarily including some ‘ patently offensive ’ representation of ‘ sexual conduct ’ which , being ‘ lewd and obscene ’ , could form ‘ no essential part of any exposition of ideas ’ .
10 It includes material held in confidence which is not classed as " personal records " and certain types of journalistic material not caught by the definition in section 13 .
11 A threat expressed in the form ‘ if I catch you when there are no police about ’ addressed to an adversary is not caught by the section , since it is not a threat of such as to cause the victim of it to believe that he will be the object of ‘ immediate ’ violence .
12 If so , the clause is not caught by the 1976 Order , Cavendish Woodhouse Ltd. v. Manley ( 1984 D.C. ) .
13 If a photon is not caught by the first membrane , it may be caught by the second , and so on .
14 Tax-efficient methods for doing so include : ( i ) retirement relief ; ( ii ) the new " relief for entrepreneurs " provided for in the 1993 Finance Act ; ( iii ) a buy-in of shares by the company — see 5.3.1 ; ( iv ) a share for debenture exchange — see 5.2.4 ; ( v ) disposals by non-UK resident trusts which are not caught by the Sch 5 TCGA 1992 regime — this is dealt with in 4.6.4 and 5.2.2 below .
15 There are , however , dicta in the House of Lords decision in Vestey 's Executors v IRC ( 1949 ) 31 TC 1 to the effect that transactions on commercial terms between the settlor and the trustee are not caught by the section .
16 Counsel for the defenders submitted essentially that the Lord Ordinary had erred in law in concluding that the declaration in the application form was part of a contract between the pursuers and the Alliance Building Society to which the provisions of the act applied , rather than concluding that the declaration was non-contractual in character and accordingly not caught by the provisions of the act so far as applicable to Scotland .
17 The deeds which followed that , an exhausted , courageous Crisp just caught at the last , would have stirred any potential horseman 's heart .
18 Centre : Brutus holds a red colobus he has just caught with the help of several other members of the group .
19 I give my usual answer : that it probably all happens as the bird is ‘ flying ’ at top speed underwater , and that the pressure of the water holds the fish already caught against the bird 's sharp mandibles while it snaps up another in a fraction of a second .
20 The pressure of his lips on hers was confident , demanding access to her mouth , and she granted it helplessly , already caught in the dark magic once more .
21 Common plaice and flounder are easily caught from the shore .
22 Their greater height posed no problem for spore dispersal : if anything , it was a help since up in the tree tops , spores were more easily caught by the wind and carried away .
23 If it was in the Near and Middle East the stories generally centred round what would happen to you if you were ever caught by the Bedouin — or the Bedou , as the old sweats termed the colourful Arab in the desert .
24 It was confused on Europe , and on defence still caught in the grip of an unpopular unilateralism .
25 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magics unleashed by the Dark Elf sorcerers .
26 When the Dark Elves first split from the rest of Ulthuan many from their own lands did not join them but were still caught in the terrible war that followed , culminating in the destruction of their land by the magic unleashed by Dark Elf sorcerers .
27 The horse reared , Southgate pitched out of his saddle and was dragged along , one boot still caught in the stirrup .
28 Some were dragged by a foot still caught in the stirrup , round in a circle in the turf .
29 Managers representing the organization are also caught in the web of their own anxieties about production , status and power .
30 Up to 50 nearby homes were also caught in the explosion .
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