Example sentences of "[adv] turn out to " in BNC.

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1 The spending targets in the White Paper thus turn out to be unhelpful for long-term planning purposes .
2 The interesting thing about him is that he was one of those people who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do .
3 Shoes always turn out to be wrong for the climate .
4 So-called " ruler-portraits " nearly always turn out to be stereotypes : in the context of Carolingian group-identity , the precise point about images of Charles the Bald was the resemblance to Louis the Pious and Charlemagne , his father and grandfather .
5 Except , ’ she added regretfully , ‘ the presents usually turn out to be nicked .
6 The trouble is that the traditions and symbols that embody and transmit these supposedly universal and perennial virtues usually turn out to be modern inventions ( Hobsbawm and Ranger , 1983 ) .
7 Readers of Malcolm Lowry 's Under the Volcano ( 1947 ) , for example , are introduced to a herd of buffaloes which quickly turn out to be merely the phantoms of a drink-sodden mind .
8 And the overall groupings which we finally evolved for this book in terms of life focus also turn out to be remarkably close to the clusters of life styles picked out in an earlier American study taking just this perspective , Robert Williams and Claudine Wirths 's Lives through the Years .
9 In the case of more general or abstract essays ( on whole works , on authors or on critical issues ) , it is necessary to find other means of organising an argument — though some of the means also turn out to be applicable when looking at individual passages .
10 Even where the media report sightings of what are apparently other phenomena , they often turn out to be the same species .
11 ‘ Pairs ’ often turn out to be two females .
12 Under careful examination , moccasins , Navajo patterned rugs , and costumed kachina dolls often turn out to be woven or simply stamped out by factories in Taiwan or the Philippines .
13 These idealised sentences often turn out to be based , in fact , on the conventions of written language in the academic sub-culture and these linguists could be seen to be perpetuating , albeit in more sophisticated terms , the older , ideological conception of writing as the model for speech .
14 Bad or indifferent starters and main courses often turn out to be partly redeemed at the pudding stage .
15 Michelin road-maps mark genuinely arduous or dangerous stretches of road with a broken red line , and though the roadways themselves quite often turn out to be less awkward than you expect from such warnings , less awkward does not mean altogether easy .
16 Newcomers often turn out to be sons-in-law or cousins .
17 Apparent contradictions often turn out to be paradoxes — insight relating to different circumstances and experiences .
18 On atomic and subatomic levels seemingly solid matter is seen to be small particles within particles which eventually turn out to be just pure energy .
19 What these effects eventually turn out to be will , of course , depend on the strategies which the various parties choose to pursue , the prevailing capital , product , and labour market circumstances , and the technological choices which the scientists and engineers make available .
20 ‘ Generally , these kinds of problems rarely turn out to be unresolvable , ’ said Felice .
21 On Wednesday , Paddy Ashdown played the tough talker , the straight man who wo n't soften the harsh realities — though those realities immediately turn out to be the same smooth bribes offered by every other politician .
22 To those who would thoughtlessly dismiss this notion as ‘ silly ’ , Regan cautions that ‘ silly sounding ideas sometimes turn out to be true .
23 They have n't been moved for quite a long time , and it 's funny how buildings which claim to have extraordinary flexibility sometimes turn out to be really quite rigid .
24 If I decide on the toss of a coin which investment will provide the greatest yield , and fortunately turn out to be right , we suppose that my choice is vindicated by the outcome perhaps , but not justified by it ; I had no real justification for making the choice I did .
25 It is characteristic of decision-making that obstacles always tend to seem more real than they actually turn out to be .
26 but I said that you know eighteen might be a push but I would n't be surprised if we got twelve or fourteen at that time of course we had n't actually had any education events cos the one that we scheduled has been cancelled so I was perhaps a bit naive about how many people actually turn out to these things
27 To my mind , evidence of conflict already exists : the deafening silence from Moorgate Place on Caparo is an example where self-interest has been allowed to be paramount : the decision suits the practising firms ( as their legal liability is narrowly defined ) , notwithstanding that in the public interest , would-be investors , existing individual shareholders and creditors who lose because they have relied on audited accounts which subsequently turn out to be defective , should , on any basis of equity , have recourse to those parties who are responsible , whether management or auditors .
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