Example sentences of "[adv] provide [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some partnership deeds do , however , expressly provide for the payment of a salary in addition to a share of the firm 's profits .
2 The judge concluded that since rule 4.4(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991did not expressly provide for the making of an application ex parte for a residence order and since section 9(5) of the Children Act 1989 prohibited him from making either a prohibited steps order or a specific issue order to achieve that result he had no jurisdiction to make the orders sought .
3 The rules relating to succession to the Crown thus provide for the identification not merely of a part of Parliament but for that of the head of state in all respects .
4 Company relocation policies usually provide for the payment of a disturbance allowance .
5 Some precedents also provide for the tenant to assign the unexpired residue of the term to the guarantor where the guarantor has been required to make any payment under the guarantor 's covenants .
6 Gas supply agreements often provide for the supply of gas over a long period , sometimes for a decade or more .
7 Sale agreements commonly provide for the value of the pension rights to be calculated according to a formula set out in the agreement and for the detailed calculations to be agreed between the parties ' actuaries , or , if they do not agree , to be determined by another actuary acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator .
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