Example sentences of "[adv] larger [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The new shop has a much larger travel section .
2 It was Richard Bulwer who built the present Wood Dalling Hall in 1582 , at about the same time as his neighbour Henry Dynne was building the much larger Heydon Hall .
3 Thus a number of much larger curriculum reform schemes were undertaken .
4 Your PC will allow you to save larger designs than this , as it has a much larger memory capacity .
5 This , therefore , showed the company to have a much larger credit turnover figure than was actually the case .
6 The U V F which is now a much larger terrorist organization has responded by killing catholics and there 's tremendous fear now in both communities , there used to be just fear in the protestant communities , they were being attacked by the I R A , but now as the Cardinal has said there 's very big fear in the catholic community as well .
7 Suggesting that that Next Computer Inc may indeed err on the software of its business — if it can find enough takers for NextStep-on-Intel ( UX 414 ) — the company says it is re-organising its corporate operations to ‘ accomodate a much larger software role ’ .
8 A much larger bronze tumbler key was found in Hampshire ( Pic 3 ) .
9 Gilt-edged prices continued to rise strongly , all three tranchettes were quickly sold out and , shortly afterwards , the Bank announced the issue of a much larger tap stock : £1 billion of 8 ½%; Treasury 2007 .
10 With the much larger tablet area a finger 's pressure can be translated into a precise co-ordinate rather than an approximation so electronic finger painting is a real possibility !
11 A much larger standardisation sample of 3,334 children was then tested with the short form of the test to provide the normative scales .
12 Set at right angles to one side of the fireplace was a two-seat wooden settle , and at the other side a much larger leather couch .
13 This is a particularly interesting finding from the point of view of prevention as it indicates a much larger risk group .
14 There is a much larger search space to be explored than for certain input .
15 I want to upgrade to a much larger reef tank in the near future , but first should I gain much-needed experience in keeping invertebrates before committing myself to the expense of failure with a large tank ?
16 The second has led to the idea that there is a ‘ universal ’ or ‘ active ’ motion , with a length scale proportional to the distance from the wall , and an ‘ irrelevant ’ or ‘ inactive ’ motion , with a much larger length scale .
17 Growing sugar and preparing it for shipping to London was harder work than growing and curing tobacco , and a much larger labour force was needed for the process of harvesting the cane and crushing it which had to be done in a very short period of time .
18 The index has risen by over 60 per cent while turnover is much higher than the Swedish market , with its much larger market capitalisation .
19 Hellige and Cox ( 1976 ) , however , obtained a slightly larger hemifield superiority for random forms having 12 points than for forms having 16 points even though these two types of form were distributed randomly throughout a series of trials .
20 A pedestal basin generally has a slightly larger washing area than a wall-hung basin ; it does n't need such a secure fixing , and the supporting pedestal hides the plumbing , but it can only be installed at one height .
21 The main attraction at the Caribe is the large pool surrounded by an even larger sun terrace equipped with table football and a pool table and for the very energetic , there 's also a good tennis court next to the pool .
22 A large concrete yard and an even larger field act as ideal exercise areas for the dogs .
23 Indeed the durable models from England listed by Capelle and Vierck ( 1971 ; 1975 ) are mostly later in the period , and may signify a period when larger scale replication was possible ; put the other way , a time when individual designs were no longer necessary , and the functional aspect was becoming more important .
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