Example sentences of "[adv] living [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
2 Unfortunately , in modern society , our ‘ own ’ are rarely living in the same town or even in the same county as us , which makes the ideal situation very difficult to achieve .
3 With a sinking heart , she also realised that she must go on living with the Ward family , at least for now .
4 You run the UK end and I 'll branch out here in Majorca … that 's if Maria Luisa wants to go on living on the island .
5 If you are happy to go on living under the constant threat of war , if you are prepared to see the discoveries of science perverted by inadequate people to the creation of foul weapons , what can I do ?
6 ( Hu Yaobang and his family , for example , were allowed to carry on living in the privileged conditions of Zhongnanhai and Fang Lizhi was still allowed to travel abroad . )
7 David began to think that it might be possible to go on living in the same house as Julia and Anthony without either betraying himself or suffering unendurable frustration .
8 Crucially , however , the point is this : I can not pretend that the philosophical Enlightenment has never happened , and that we are not living on the ‘ post ’ side of a scientific revolution .
9 We 're not living on the dole .
10 I got the impression that Jean-Claude had been so certain that his relationship with his sister was the most singular she would ever make , that the mere fact of their not living under the same roof would do nothing to erode what they had together .
11 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
12 This definition excludes those mothers who are cohabiting , and married mothers whose husbands are temporarily not living in the household .
13 For them there was nothing tame about not living in the fast lane ; nothing sanctimonious about unconsciously keeping clear of the edge of the cliff .
14 Supposedly grown-up people that believe human beings can not practise safe sex and contraception , or that it is right to deny a 14-year-old girl who has been raped an abortion because it would be morally wrong in the eyes of God , are not living in the real world .
15 If you are not living in the property ( or a part of it which you have let out for rent ) , then the house — or that section of it — is no longer considered to be your main home .
16 Recently , home responsibility was extended to include the care of elderly relatives not living in the same household .
17 " Damn it , we 're not living in the Middle Ages .
18 Patients not living in the two health districts were excluded .
19 There is a lot of humorous reminiscing by the veterans about previous pilgrimages , about blisters , about the student who was cautioned for cooling his feet in a public reservoir , about the crippling last mile of the pilgrimage which , apparently ( who says we 're not living in the Middle Ages ? ) , we walk barefoot .
20 ‘ Barrymore and his wife have a very fine home and nothing to do while the family is not living in the Hall , ’ said Sir Henry .
21 If the Prime Minister thinks that all that adds up to recovery , he is not living in the real world .
22 I assure the hon. Member for Normanton — with whom it is a pleasure to be debating again ; it has been our daily dose for the past three weeks , and he is a worthy opponent — that my party and I are not living in the past .
23 But if that 's an incentive they 're not living in the real world .
24 ‘ Anybody who says there is not a direct connection between people 's health and unemployment is not living in the real world .
25 A NORTH Wales MP has accused Labour supporters of ‘ behaving like spoilt children ’ and of not living in the real world .
26 A NORTH Wales MP has accused Labour supporters of ‘ behaving like spoilt children ’ and of not living in the real world .
27 Referring to the Rhyl Labour Party campaign to persuade the public to send preprinted ‘ Deeds Not Words ’ postcards to him at the House of Commons , Mr Richards said : ‘ Anybody who thinks that sending postcards and petitions is going to change the price of bread is not living in the real world . ’
28 Cuckoos came into the discussion as an example of parasites not living inside the bodies of their hosts .
29 The concern at Cosmeston is not simply to present static displays but to attempt to bring the village to life with living history events , with crafts-men working in the buildings and with more animals added to those already living at the village .
30 What needs to be done before you move in — repair or installation work that would make life very uncomfortable for you if you were already living on the premises .
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