Example sentences of "[adv] drawn from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Usually there was a vitality apparently drawn from nature itself .
2 It is revealing that on the fifth disc , which comprises material all drawn from BBC broadcasts — Chausson 's Poème , Brahms 's Vier ernste Gesänge plus a recital of English songs — there is very little distortion .
3 The youth team , all drawn from non-rugby playing schools , improved greatly after half-time and spent long periods pressing on the schools ' line .
4 Almost all of the music used in the Forces consists of hymns , generally drawn from Hymns Ancient and Modern New Standard .
5 Yes , but they 're not drawn from life .
6 Yes , but they 're not drawn from life .
7 From the late 1850s , as censorship was slackened and expectations of imminent and major reform rose , a small but steady stream of intelligentsia , largely drawn from students in higher education , became involved in radical dissent .
8 The following account is largely drawn from Sherwin Hall 's article in Veterinary History ( Summer 1984 ) .
9 They were largely drawn from academe , retired mandarins , and BBC governors ; they were often political centrists and cross-benchers who had a belief in disinterested enquiry and collecting and weighing evidence .
10 Technically " non-party " , the administration was described by the Middle East Economic Digest of June 28 as " largely drawn from establishment figures no longer closely associated with the National Liberation Front [ FLN ] " ; some ministers were " linked " with opposition parties or dissident currents within the FLN .
11 Winding up the Convention , Bogyoke claimed that they were framing ‘ a new type of democratic government that best suited the Burmese ’ ; it was largely drawn from Yugoslavia .
12 Now designs were recognizably drawn from nature , but stylized in such a way that they formed bold patterns .
13 Chromatic specificity of centre and surround inputs would require that the ganglion cell 's opposing inputs are not always drawn from cones that are nearest neighbours .
14 Theory is always taught in the context of real-life applications , preferably drawn from examples to be found in industry .
15 Discs has also sponsored a women 's football team by supplying them with a kit partly drawn from Billy Bragg 's Red Star Belgrade promotional shirts .
16 They were highly skilled , exceptionally well paid , often drawn from non-peasant and non-worker backgrounds , and by the nature of their work were exposed to liberal literature and enjoyed a relatively close relationship with liberal intelligenty .
17 What conclusions could have been usefully drawn from sales which did not include major works by Jackson Pollock , Willem de Kooning , Jasper Johns , Robert Rauschenberg , Francis Bacon and other masters by whom its temperature is usually gauged ?
18 It showed most obviously in certain political institutions , above all the sovereign state and representative government , in some central ideas , of which the most potent were ultimately drawn from Christianity or the Enlightenment , and in a powerful technology , based on experimental science .
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