Example sentences of "[adv] soon [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't see why I should enjoy living again so soon when poor Catherine had had all that she valued slowly torn away from her … ’
2 So soon as that is appreciated the force of the suggested analogy falls away .
3 She had been expecting him to call , though not quite so soon as this .
4 Mary was pensioned off soon after this and now lives in a rage in Malta , where it is feared she is writing her memoirs .
5 It left at half past seven , which meant getting up soon after half past six , and the journey took about an hour .
6 That year William Ayermine , a senior chancery master , held canonries in six cathedrals and at four of those one of his fellow canons was Roger Northburgh , keeper of the wardrobe , who held two more prebends elsewhere : both soon after this became bishops .
7 Hanson and the Museum of London say that ‘ as soon as practicable the site will be open to public view for a limited period .
8 In what are often highly technical arguments where tone matters a lot , he sounds like a politician who would join the ERM as soon as practicable — possibly by the end of next year — just as Sir Geoffrey , Mr Heseltine and Mr Lawson would .
9 In what are often highly technical arguments where tone matters a lot , he sounds like a politician who would join the ERM as soon as practicable — possibly by the end of next year — just as Sir Geoffrey , Mr Heseltine and Mr Lawson would .
10 With senior cabinet colleagues making discreetly plain their desire to enter the ERM as soon as practicable , the Prime Minister ceased to give the impression that she wants to add further conditions to those announced at the Madrid summit in June .
11 The three independent directors on the Saga board said last night that they had noted the possible offer , adding that discussions ‘ are at an early stage ’ and a further announcement would be made ‘ as soon as practicable ’ .
12 The revised Defence plan , with its greatly reduced demands on manpower and its emphasis on highly trained mobile forces , now makes it possible to contemplate putting the Services on to an all-regular basis ; and the Government will endeavour to bring about this change as soon as practicable .
13 The police were required to bring the detained person before a magistrates ' court ‘ as soon as practicable ’ after arrest .
14 An arrested person has to be ‘ taken to a police station by a constable as soon as practicable after the arrest ’ .
15 In cases of unplanned interruptions , our aim is to notify you as soon as practicable of when your supply will be restored .
16 The public consultation exercise , to be held as soon as practicable , was approved by Hampshire County Council 's planning and transport committee on Monday .
17 The Resources Allocation Working Party ( RAWP ) was set up with a brief ( RAWP 1975 : 5 ) : To review the arrangement for distributing NHS capital and revenue … with a view to establishing a method of securing , as soon as practicable , a pattern of distribution responsible objectively , equitably and efficiently , to relative need .
18 ‘ We are keen to distance the BBC from tobacco sponsorship as soon as practicable in line with UK and European trends , ’ says the report leaked this week .
19 The formal Offer and listing particulars relating to the issue of new AW ordinary shares in connection with the Offer will be posted to the shareholders of Palatine by Wheeler Dealers Ltd as soon as practicable .
20 Wheeler Dealer Ltd will post the Offer Document on behalf of Anglo-Welsh as soon as practicable .
21 The workhouse management committee recommended that ‘ with regard to children still in the workhouse , the older girls should be employed , when not at school , in making/mend or other useful work and as soon as practicable should be sent out as domestic servants ’ .
22 He disliked occidental empires and wished to see them ended as soon as practicable .
23 When a person is arrested away from a police station , section 30 says that he should be taken to a police station as soon as practicable unless the investigation requires his presence elsewhere .
24 ‘ ( 3 ) A person who has been released on bail in criminal proceedings and is under a duty to surrender into the custody of a court may be arrested without warrant by a constable — ( a ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is not likely to surrender to custody ; ( b ) if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that that person is likely to break any of the conditions of his bail or has reasonable grounds for suspecting that that person has broken any of those conditions ; or … ( 4 ) A person arrested in pursuance of subsection ( 3 ) above — ( a ) shall , except where he was arrested within 24 hours of the time appointed for him to surrender to custody , be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest before a justice of the peace for the petty sessions area in which he was arrested ; and ( b ) in the said excepted case shall be brought before the court at which he was to have surrendered to custody .
25 That this was Parliament 's intention is clear from the use in section 7(4) of the words ‘ shall … be brought as soon as practicable and in any event within 24 hours after his arrest . ’
26 Their duty under the rules is to make their decision as soon as practicable .
27 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a coroner is informed that the body of a person ( ‘ the deceased ’ ) is lying within his district and there is reasonable cause to suspect that the deceased — ( a ) has died a violent or an unnatural death ; ( b ) has died a sudden death of which the cause is unknown ; or ( c ) has died in prison or in such a place or in such circumstances as to require an inquest under any other Act , then … the coroner shall as soon as practicable hold an inquest into the death of the deceased either with or , subject to subsection ( 3 ) below , without a jury .
28 The sealing of committal orders should have the highest priority , taking place preferably on the day of committal and certainly as soon as practicable thereafter .
29 ( 1 ) The sealing of committal orders should have the highest priority and should take place preferably on the day of committal and certainly as soon as practicable thereafter .
30 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this section , if at any time an institution becomes insolvent and at that time — ( a ) it is an authorised institution … the board shall as soon as practicable pay out of the fund to each depositor who has a protected deposit with that institution an amount equal to three-quarters of his protected deposit .
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