Example sentences of "[adv] want [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 As a Lotus user , you obviously want to get the most from your software .
2 well we 've erm we 've erm we 've been rather tempted by the west coast er I personally want to see the Grand Canyon and erm I 'd like to see San Francisco so the package which is being offered to the Boots Association with whom we 've been away several times and we lo we like it as , as a , as a background because you 've got a rough idea , you know , the people you 're going with
3 There is no involvement in politics , we merely want to serve the public , ’ he added .
4 In the meantime I merely want to emphasise the point I was making about change .
5 I merely want to make the limited point that many of these students — who may be highly intelligent — do not have the existing familiarity with poetry , not to mention the general knowledge and cultural literacy , that would enable them to engage as equals in genuinely critical discussion .
6 ‘ It is a particular shame for Neil because there were far worse things going on in the game but some people only want to see the dark side of him .
7 Call me an egotistical slime , but I only want to preserve the purity and integrity of the current alternative , and hope that it wo n't pass through the mass-media grinder into the mainstream , where it will eventually be recalled as one more passive , stupid fashion .
8 The committee sensibly want to remove the child from crown court trials , but their solution of prelimi nary hearings is questionable .
9 ‘ We very much want to trace the driver of that vehicle because they might hold vital information which could result in this robbery being solved , ’ added the spokesman .
10 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
11 We thus want to specify the flow in the ‘ wall-region ’ by a velocity scale characteristic of this region .
12 Golfers the world over want to hit the ball further .
13 On a visit to the United States on May 19-21 Kohl , accompanied by Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher , assured his hosts that his government did " not want to see the long-standing Atlantic alliance in any way weakened , still less replaced by a European structure " .
14 Girls who are very aware of parental disapproval may not feel able to take this step and also not want to run the risk of parents somehow finding out that they had gone to the doctor or the clinic .
15 We are trying to be economical and do n't want to waste postage for those who no longer want to support the scheme , so please get in touch with either Helen ( 632 8214 ) or Theresa ( 638 5882 ) .
16 ‘ In which case I do n't suppose you desperately want to join the crowd of people currently queueing up to tell him how wonderful he was ? ’
17 In considering products , it is important to note that people generally want to acquire the benefits of the product , rather than its features .
18 Those who broke into the inn tonight want to find the same treasure .
19 Project Universe is due to end in 1985 , but there are moves to have the whole scheme extended , perhaps to researchers who just want to use the network to do day-to-day work .
20 I just want to do the best I can . "
21 ‘ They just want to do the job they are paid and trained to do and they want to do it in suitable clothing , ie in uniform . ’
22 If you just want to give the ball a tonk with your new Krypton-shafted driver , you 'll end up spending the day knee-deep in heather .
23 The event will also be open from 9am to 5pm to knitters who just want to visit the trade stands .
24 He says the area where she was found — Stonebench — is popular with courting couples and people who just want to view the river .
25 No I I just want to refute the the point that was made there chairman , because er it is n't er it is n't accurate .
26 Now lastly I just want to mention the what we call the P R interview , and two or three aspects of this .
27 Holding back he said , on impulse : ‘ Grandma , I just want to see the lake , before I go …
28 " Just want to see the set-up my little girlie 's embarked on , " he had said down the telephone .
29 We just want to see the scenery . ’
30 I think they just want to see the football , I do n't think there are going to be any riots ; there 's no organisation , no just going for the fun .
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