Example sentences of "[adv] far we 've " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Japanese bow low to the knees and say yes , but so far we 've seen no results , ’ said one .
2 So far we 've got an American , Dwight Buchanan , an Italian called Gianfranco Roselli and a guy called Benito Pepys .
3 So far we 've been concentrating on Meryl 's reasons for hanging round on the gallery in the middle of the night ; all well and good , but what was Gladys doing there ? ’
4 So far we 've only touched the basics and , although it 's essential in our view to provide this introduction to kite flying and simple DIY designs , now it is time to get into more advanced material for the modern kite .
5 So far we 've had door handles coming off in our hands , sticking windows , a rotten floorboard and a pretty coal-effect fire that produced no heat .
6 Now so far we 've talked about things like recharging the batteries .
7 Well so far we 've just been looking at the record of growth bands in this coral skeleton , but we can acquire a great deal of additional information by sampling the skeleton , and we sample the skeleton using a small drill and we can analyze the , the powders that we collect for the stabilized of oxygen .
8 And so far we 've got a happy ending .
9 So far we 've concentrated our attention on this one imaginary street .
10 It 's lit again at the moment , but so far we 've had something like fifteen bulbs stolen , and when that heavy rain comes , it fills the little cups and goes bang and the gentleman today , was busy drilling things out of the fuse box , where I think it had gone again .
11 But on the whole I think so far we 've brushed through quite well with him . ’
12 So far we 've only got Roy Castle , David Hamilton , and Russell Grant ( why did n't he give us advance warning about last season ? )
13 So far we 've seen the highlights of Central News up to the end of nineteen eighty-eight when the programme was broadcast from Birmingham .
14 So far we 've looked at the news over the past ten years .
15 So far we 've looked at Spitting Image , Blockbusters , Tom Jones and Inspector Morse .
16 So far we 've been very successful .
17 The appeal started on the January 4 , 1988 , and so far we 've raised over £18,000 .
18 So far we 've not been it 's not been like this has it ?
19 Yeah , so far we 've been very lucky in , in Britain I think , apart from the hurricane damage , once or twice , on the whole our climates is not bad .
20 Erm it does mean that we 've got , so far we 've gone through twenty two thousand policies , we 're still in December erm anniversary dates erm so there 's twenty thousand waiting to be printed two thousand were printed last night and they 're going straight out the door , today .
21 Well you see as part of the appraisal thing , if you get w w when we 've done it so far we 've got people to actually , and I did myself , one of the stages after the preliminary meeting is to complete a self assessment , or to go through some self assess assessments , self appraisal .
22 But so far we 've had erm , we 've had who likes kissing and who does n't .
23 So so far we 've got maybe a week or two filling in a reference , two or three weeks in UCCA , and a week in the university , which is almost I guess almost two months .
24 So far we 've only had particular doctors using it to run it in , as it were , but in the very near future we hope that all of the doctors in the accident department will be using this system .
25 Anyway , and if we win erm all three things , all three matches so far we 've won the Coca-Cola Cup , we 're gon na play for the fa , erm erm the F A Cup , and then we 're gon na play for the Premiere League , and if we win all the other three George 'll be the only manager in history to win all three things .
26 No well not as far we 've we 've found .
27 You see how far we 've come ! ’
28 This is how far we 've strayed from the traditional concepts of pop .
29 ‘ We will go to Leeds , the defending champions , feeling confident , instead of just hoping for the best — and that 's a measure of how far we 've come .
30 But how far we 've come !
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