Example sentences of "[adv] far [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I replied I had not , since I had been lucky enough so far not to have been forced to fight for my survival .
2 We do not have to go quite so far afield to find another language which still plays a considerable part in our daily conversation .
3 If IBM 's domestic operations have finally been pared down far enough to permit the company once again to grow and prosper , it should be able to export its success , ameliorating its problems in key foreign markets .
4 ‘ Maastricht went too far for public opinion , but not far enough to allow Europe to deal effectively with the problems it faces , such as Yugoslavia , ’ says an exasperated German official .
5 The move was far enough in suggest the future transfer of greater validation responsibility in institutions , but not far enough to suggest the degree of autonomy that many of the polytechnic directors had sought .
6 Sink them just far enough to dimple but not fracture the paper surface
7 The probability is low for it to move a long distance at more than the speed of light , but it can go faster than light for just far enough to get out of the black hole , and then go slower than light .
8 Just far enough to get your earhole .
9 Supposing , however , the defence has to cope with attackers pushing up just far enough to catch them on the turn and stay onside .
10 Now locate the drilled side just a shade higher so that as you hammer the pin in place it moves down just far enough to produce a perfect joint .
11 It is not necessary to pass the carriage all the way across the work — just far enough to clear the needles at the ‘ business ’ end .
12 The trick is to push a dispute just far enough to make your opponent cave in for fear of a court action , but not so far that it goes to court .
13 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
14 The ludicrous premise the film establishes — a nice Mafia man drawn intuitively to some preppy WASP — is pushed just far enough to make this more than abject pap , while leading lady Penelope Ann Miller , as Sabatini 's daughter Tina , simply has the looks to pull her part off .
15 Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that the figures that he has announced for training and education will go nowhere near far enough to fill the skills gap ?
16 He was easy to talk to , never allowed any pauses in the conversation , and their paths went back far enough to allow them to spend hours just chatting about people they knew in common .
17 ‘ I ca n't reach back far enough to pull it out cleanly . ’
18 Good colour snaps are fine as long as you get the building in focus , take it in sunlight rather than shadow and stand back far enough to ensure the whole building is in the picture .
19 His undimmed headlights showed the curve of the autobahn ahead far enough to keep up that speed .
20 That is , they will move forward far enough to collect a loop of yarn ( if we were knitting ) , but not far enough for a stitch to go behind the latch and knit .
21 As the van drew nearer , the cluster of flags and pennons at the very front , under an enormous standard of the Leopards of Plantagenet , indicated the presence of King Edward the Third himself , although it was too far yet to identify individuals .
22 ‘ We 've come too far not to finish it ourselves , ’ Masklin mumbled .
23 The disappearance of manned bombers as well as fighters would reduce the RAF to a missile and air-transport force — not an inviting prospect , but one that seemed too far ahead to worry about unduly in 1957 .
24 Calls , too , can supplement other signals when horses are too close or too far apart to see each other .
25 Though too far away to see his facial features clearly , Charity had an impression , again , of strength .
26 Like so many of Mr Murdoch 's gambles , the potential pay-off of his stroll into California 's Silicon Valley is enormous — but too far away to help pay his debts today .
27 But once they had left the house , and were at last too far away to hear her aunt 's and uncle 's farewells , or to see them as they stood outside in the yard , silhouetted against the lighted kitchen , excitement began to creep into Ruth and her spirits began to lift .
28 It would take us too far afield to examine the content of this apostolic ‘ Word ’ .
29 But I was too far along to drop it that easily .
30 ‘ I 'm too far in to move back now .
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