Example sentences of "[adv] doing [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Imperialism focused on one or two natural resources , thus creating a homogeneous agricultural proletariat , all doing the same labouring job .
2 What I find horrible is that there are so many organisations or or places all over Great Britain , they 're all doing the same sort of tests !
3 All doing the same thing with all with the same earning potential .
4 Twenty other , kiddies all doing the same .
5 Look , we 're all doing the same thing at different
6 Now are these two units not doing the same job ?
7 Temperate producers , led by Canada , the EC and Sweden , claim their timber is already sustainably managed and does not need to be controlled by international agreement , although the US recently made a surprise announcement that it would introduce sustainable forest management by 2000 and criticised European countries for not doing the same .
8 You 're not doing the same as up there are you ?
9 And it seems to me that China was just doing the same as St Stalin did .
10 But our department has n't changed , the women are just doing the same job as they did sixty
11 Because he was just doing the same job as he 'd been doing under the private under the L N E R. Management were more conciliatory when nationalization came on .
12 And would you two like , do you think you 'd like to work through these again together doi just doing the same ones
13 Two people winking are not always doing the same thing .
14 Jackie , of Stockton Road , Hartlepool , was back at work yesterday doing the same round .
15 I entirely accept that if er , four years on we were still doing the same thing that then they 'd be er , some erm , requirement for er , cutting back but I think it is also worth reminding ourselves that due to the action of this conservative government in er , forcing the local government review , er , we are facing the spectre er , of an additional full meeting of this council , and indeed we have had to er , respond to that government initiative .
16 They reported that four other cars were also doing the same thing .
17 ‘ You mean they were probably lying or coming over romantic about the past , and , what 's more , all those old poets were probably doing the same thing .
18 Should one get out of the business altogether in order to enter another business which is probably doing the same ?
19 With another full evening of entertainment ahead , many of the passengers were probably doing the same , she realised , relishing the needle-sharp tingling of the water as it cascaded over her shoulders .
20 She then made a most offensive and denigrating remark about my practice , and is probably doing the same thing to everyone else here . ’
21 But if I insist on forcing the spontaneous towards an end which I already deem rational , I remain imprisoned within a circle of old concepts , reason goes on doing the same kind of sums , there can be no novelty except the discovery of unnoticed implications of the familiar .
22 It is difficult to explain to those you love why you want to go on doing the same thing … the easy thing is to avoid looking at reality , to run away from it .
23 The smash sequel has already taken the United States by storm and is now doing the same here .
24 For the hand that had set her scalp alight was now doing the same to her hand .
25 As Carr pointed out , it was impossible to restore market relations in agriculture without doing the same for industry .
26 As the sign for Piccadilly Circus flashed by I braved the warm draught on the platform again and on my way to the National Gallery I passed Trafalgar Square where I observed the pigeons strangely doing the same things I had seen just moments before , except of course rather less ‘ chicly ’ .
27 Holding a length of silk in its beak , it then pierces a hole in the leaf and pushes the silk through it , tying a little knot in the end to prevent the thread from slipping back through the hole and then doing the same thing on the other side so that the two leaf surfaces are secured to one another .
28 The programmer must , however check that the equivalent routine performs adequately as well as theoretically doing the same function .
29 Or it may be that you are not introducing enough variety in your activities , either always doing things in the same few ways , or else doing the same activity for too long a time at one stretch .
30 In any case , if one insists on anthropomorphizing the gene , it behaves not selfishly but in utter disregard of its own interests , either doing the same thing over and over again or , by mutation , doing something else quite arbitrarily , and passively allowing itself to be favoured or eliminated by natural selection .
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