Example sentences of "[adv] as possible [verb] " in BNC.

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31 Shutters should be put up as soon as possible to discourage ram raiders , otherwise traders will leave the town .
32 The importance of Science in the Corporate Plan was emphasised , and there was agreement that the Group should have the opportunity as soon as possible to discuss the Strategic Plan for Science in toto .
33 A general tradition in a neighbourhood that children leave school as soon as possible affects the decision of individuals to stay on at school beyond the compulsory school leaving age ; and so on .
34 As soon as possible have your photographs developed and make a summary of all the important defects and other points which you are not happy about as a result of your survey .
35 And while the proportion of those people who would recommend a young couple with a steady job to buy as soon as possible has fallen from 78 per cent in 1989 , the latest survey shows 70 per cent would still offer this advice .
36 They plan to clear the site as soon as possible forcing the travellers to move on .
37 Signed by representatives of the rail companies , the Ministry of Law and Order , the ANC , the transport workers ' trade union and various community organizations , it included an agreement that the police would redeploy personnel as soon as possible to cover the train network ; working groups were established to investigate issues such as the installation of closed-circuit cameras in train coaches and the implementation of screening systems at stations .
38 " The representatives should as soon as possible furnish themselves with a licence , and they can go to any magistrate at hand without any formality requiring a day 's delay " ( Cook v. Gray ( 1891 ) 29 S.L.R. 249 per Lord President Robertson ) .
39 As well as agreeing the proposed restructure and gradings the Committee agreed the recommendation that ‘ a meeting between NALGO , DOMIS and HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 's management be initiated as soon as possible to investigate the possibility of consolidating the New Technology payment for existing staff within the Division . ’
40 May we have a debate next week or as soon as possible to consider whether we should have a referendum at any stage and in what circumstances ?
41 The flower spikes are also cream and green and the flowers blue , but these should be cut back as soon as possible to encourage more of those huge basal leaves to develop .
42 Where we have the , the erm , responsibility for a formal consultation , er , then we need to set about that process as soon as possible to try and meet our deadline , Mr Chairman .
43 Athelstan , distracted , vowed to remember to place a cross there and as soon as possible sing a Mass for her soul and that of poor Hob .
44 All religious have their own special requirements so it is essential that you see your minister as soon as possible to find out what these are .
45 But unions at Corporate Jets point out they have no such assurances and are anxious to have a meeting with Raytheon as soon as possible to find out its long-term plans .
46 Nothing short of absolute impossibility ought to prevent those measures from being taken which will as soon as possible restore the — pre-war productivity of the building industry in new houses .
47 Our business concluded it was decided we should go to Jeddah as quickly as possible to visit the Hospital .
48 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
49 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
50 It was obviously advantageous to record those events and the aftermath as quickly as possible to preserve them for the benefit of those who came after us .
51 Now on the seventeenth of September Mr met Peter on the defendant 's firm er for the first time at his office , where they had er a general discussion about the business and about what needed to be done in order to secure it and er the plaintiffs at that stage told Peter that there should be er no problems over finance as he understood the bank were willing to assist and at that stage he wanted to move as quickly as possible to exchange contracts on the business erm , for two reasons .
52 ‘ Our task is to help our customers in the short term use them more efficiently , and as quickly as possible bring to the market new products which will not have any interaction with the ozone layer .
53 John Major and the Chancellor are determined to see interest rate cuts passed on as quickly as possible to stimulate economic recovery .
54 He was to set out with the three French patrols , drive the hundred-odd miles to the Gabes Gap and pass through it as quickly as possible to create confusion in the enemy rear areas .
55 My wish , the wish of all of us , is simply that we may as quickly as possible get to the bottom of the shocking and cold-blooded crime which has stunned and appalled the entire country , and arrest and punish those responsible .
56 In the case of a severe burn , that is one that is larger than an inch in diameter , the rule is the same : cool first , cover later , and in this instance start to cool as quickly as possible to prevent the burn spreading into the surrounding tissue .
57 In the meantime , a tourism study should be got underway as quickly as possible to ensure we maximise our influence over the WTB 's thinking .
58 ‘ We started off by concentrating on hardback fiction and mass market paperbacks because we wanted to build a paperback backlist as quickly as possible to get regular sales going through each month .
59 They were asked to give a positive or negative response as quickly as possible indicating the presence of absence of this ‘ probe ’ digit in the memory set presented .
60 When Muhammad Behbehanian , who was still in Morocco writing to all the Shah 's bankers , told him that he had heard Hassan wanted him out as quickly as possible to understand what had happened and why .
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