Example sentences of "[adv] for a cup " in BNC.

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1 If not , she could try to find somewhere for a cup of tea .
2 She put the kettle on for a cup of coffee .
3 Half way through Edward gave up , scraped the rest into Tam 's food bowl and put the kettle on for a cup of tea ; behind him , Tam slurped as though rescued from the brink of starvation .
4 Mrs. Feather says : " I 'll put the kettle on for a cup of tea .
5 ‘ I 've got the kettle on for a cup of tea . ’
6 made with all milk you see , and I put this on the other day , it was Monday , and I put it on for a cup of coffee , well Jim was out the front with Tom cos Tom fixed the front door
7 He had a couple of ten pound coins , barely enough for a cup of tea .
8 Recollecting that she had no money with her , Clare asked only for a cup of tea ; but Len made her and Bridget sit down while he queued , and returned with a loaded tray .
9 " I 've only popped down for a cup of tea . "
10 And when she went down for a cup of tea , her mother mentioned casually that Parr had gone to Belfast , not to England as expected , although she did not know why .
11 Will you come in for a cup of tea ?
12 If you 'd care to come in for a cup of tea , now that you 've got out and everything , you 'd be most welcome .
13 When someone has been found , if they are strangers , it is sensible to invite them first to drop in for a cup of tea , to make sure that they can establish a good rapport with your parent , and that the two will get along well together .
14 ‘ Is thoo coming in for a cup o' tea ? ’ his father invited , but George shook his head .
15 Just drop in for a cup of tea ,
16 I suppose I see her once or twice a week — she comes in for a cup of tea , or I go to her .
17 Thus Jasper 's father might have been the man who was painting the flats and who came in for a cup of tea , or the old lover whom she happened to run into in Denmark Hill , or the neighbour who was moving out of Flat 16 and who came up to say goodbye while his girlfriend was packing their furniture into the rented van .
18 Come on in for a cup of tea … "
19 He could remember what a flurry Martha Pritchett used to get into when Lady Debrace stopped in for a cup of tea , and how afterwards she would tell them proudly how her ladyship had sat down and chatted as if she were no grander than Nurse Wilks !
20 She thanked him and waited while David invited him in for a cup of tea .
21 So my father went over on the Monday evening and after such a a young man paid such interest in the garden and paying so much compliments , Well you ca n't go home without coming in for a cup of tea .
22 Come in for a cup of tea ? ’
23 She told me she did n't eat lunch any more as it had become a bourgeois meal , but I could call in for a cup of de-caff and con her into whatever it was I wanted .
24 And er Betty called me in for a cup of coffee but and I was there , I think , for over two hours .
25 And then after oh , after a few weeks she said I 'll come in for a cup of tea .
26 Coming in for a cup of tea ?
27 He says , and then you 'll go downstairs for a cup of tea and then you 'll he says , get back into bed !
28 Oh , the dear love , thought Leith , having just realised that , heartsick for a sight of Rosemary , he must have been hoping that Rosemary was back and that she might , if asked , come over for a cup of coffee .
29 Do n't stop playing on me now when I get home for a cup of tea !
30 Bit early for a cup of tea yet .
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