Example sentences of "[adv] for the benefit " in BNC.

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1 As the Potato Marketing Board has for many years worked successfully for the benefit of processors , consumers and producers , does he agree that any proposals to scrap the PMB should be strongly resisted ?
2 Not being for the direct benefit of a particular class of persons it is in the general enlightened opinion of the time wholly for the benefit of the community , although such benefit be intangible .
3 The most troubling of these measures is the first , which is presumably for the benefit of the security services .
4 The thermometer watch can measure either air or water temperature — presumably for the benefit of winter swimmers .
5 Those grant-maintained schools are using that money effectively for the benefit of the school and , more importantly , of improving education for the pupils attending those schools .
6 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
7 The Prime Minister gave his go-ahead at a meeting with the Chancellor , Treasury Chief Secretary Michael Portillo , Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley and Employment Minister Michael Forsyth , after being told that doctors , especially in inner city areas , sign people on for the benefit because it pays more than dole money .
8 In India , fixed-price shops exist not only for the benefit of travellers ; locals use them as well .
9 However , I suppose I 'll now have to explain this soft/hard vacuum principal more technically , if only for the benefit of Mr.Peavey .
10 It is important to begin with this sense of perspective , lest the impression be given that politics exists only for the benefit of those who practise it — a kind of hobby ( or , better still , paid profession ) for an educated élite who compete among themselves for the ‘ prize ’ of being on the winning side that forms the next government .
11 Chairman Eddie Slinger said : ‘ The committee took the view that there had been a deliberate and flagrant breach of Board regulations which Mr Lamb admitted were designed not only for the benefit of the Board but all registered cricketers .
12 This kind of operation is only for the benefit of the firm .
13 But for the most part , later eleventh-century castellans had contrived to convert their homage into little more than a symbol of deference and willingness to perform service ; the implications that their castle and office were enjoyed purely by delegation , that their duty lay in exercising powers and privileges only for the benefit of their lord , were swiftly transmuted into something much less rigid ; exactly what depended on the prince 's powers and proximity .
14 It was only for the benefit of anyone who might be watching , she reminded herself grimly , but she could n't ignore the tremor of longing deep within her , a longing almost too strong to contain .
15 Privatisation of the railways is designed only for the benefit of the Goevrnement and its friends .
16 The theory is that development for a Third World country is not possible within the orbit of capitalist imperialism , a dependency theory of the type discussed in Chapter 2 ; while the experience is that FDI has often led to some ‘ development ’ , apparently for the benefit of all .
17 It 's obviously for the benefit of Saddam , and I wonder what you think that benefit might be ?
18 Hankin added : ‘ We received a biggish bid for a youngster , but I turned it down for the benefit of the future of Darlington . ’
19 Others relate to its receipt of government and local authority funds , which are granted in the expectation that the WEA is providing a public educational service in the liberal studies : that courses will be run not merely for the benefit of existing members but will be widely canvassed and advertised to attract as many of the adult population as wish to take part .
20 I feel really angry I mean I 'm you might say because of my job that I I ought to be law abiding but I am a law abiding person and i like to think that I would go along with all all the laws because they are they are brought in for the benefit of all .
21 We insisted with L Detachment that toughness should be reserved entirely for the benefit of the enemy .
22 For years Caleb conducted his failed building business entirely for the benefit of his assignees ,
23 VAT required from everyone who buys anything , which is paid to local government taxpayers , is entirely for the benefit of those who are most wealthy and best able to meet the bills ?
24 Many authorities have already established such appointments , and so have emphasised the basic underlying notion of equal partners working together for the benefit of young people .
25 The local education authority , and participating employers , in planning to work together for the benefit of young people , will need , early on , to clarify their modus operandi .
26 So it , it is n't an easy thing but you do need to attempt to bring the two together for the benefit of team and solving the problem .
27 Almost all wore skirts , make up and appeared to have had their hair done especially for the benefit of the cameras .
28 Furthermore , some interviewees will not wish to talk about painful experiences just for the benefit of a survey interviewer .
29 DEC ( Digital ) will only work with educational institutions if the project is of advantage to the broader community and not just for the benefit of the school or college .
30 Music , dance and art are integral to the island 's culture — and not just for the benefit of tourists .
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