Example sentences of "[adv] at the present " in BNC.

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1 This bereaved pensioner was glad to be in at the present death .
2 And most of us do that , and that is the situation that we 're in at the present time .
3 They 're er they live in at the present time and er his name 's Paul and he 's the main Skoda dealer in Nottingham .
4 Just at the present time everything looks so fresh .
5 The drama course for professional performers which does not at the present time qualify for a mandatory award , is fully accredited by the National Council of Drama Training as is the Acting Option of the Graduate Diploma course .
6 Due to the very poor response to the meeting called by Councillor Mrs Robertson it was agreed to pursue the matter no further at the present time .
7 This does s seem to be in line with with practice nationally at the present time .
8 There followed the annus mirabilis of 1889 during which , on Wilson 's later estimate , 130,000 members were enrolled in branches at 45 ports , a number representing , net of officers , engineers , cooks and stewards , " almost the whole of the seamen in the British mercantile marine " , though , he added with unusual candour , " it is true that they are not all paying up at the present time " , partly , it seems , because of the union 's policy of issuing " privilege tickets " involving no entry money or contributions until members could afford to pay .
9 Overall the computational complexity of the system rules it out at the present time for application to the recognition task .
10 To our disbelief it was really very much more abundant than we could ever have thought possible , so we 've actually been able to find molecules with eleven carbon atoms in a chain , floating around in space , and for which we really at the present time have no explanation .
11 Until recent years the general rule has been to require the consent of a parent or guardian for an operation or an anaesthetic on a person of under 21 , but increasingly at the present time it is becoming customary to accept the consent of minors aged 16 and over .
12 Well at the present moment it 's about , where he is it 's about half past five , twenty to six , so he is probably waiting for his supper I should think his evening meal .
13 Exhaustive computer simulations done in the US show that even at the present prices for fuel , conventional sailing ships are only marginally competitive when all is counted .
14 All that 's , you see there 's , there 's a few comes at the , even at the present moment , there 's some come down from every year .
15 Katina MacDonald , widow of one of their descendants lives there at the present time .
16 The pension has been transferred to the Legal and General and has been left there at the present time to grow and be managed .
17 Just what I need right at the present moment ! ’
18 pending discussions but the whole thing Mr chairman really has n't erm has n't been decided to you know er a few colleagues point er I mean there 's nothing we can actually start and you can put pencil to paper on at the present time .
19 My interpretation of what is going on at the present day is being saved for the next chapter , but some of the most startling results come from the latest ( and most accurately dated ) deposits .
20 I do not deny uniformitarianism in its true sense , that is to say , of interpreting the past by means of the processes that we see going on at the present day , so long as we remember that the periodic catastrophe ( including sudden events like the rush of a turbidity current ) is one of those processes .
21 The only place where this type of sedimentation seems to be going on at the present day is in the ocean depths , where the deposits consist mainly of the remains of minute pelagic organisms , literally raining down from a watery heaven , plus volcanic dust raining down more intermittently from the aerial heaven above .
22 The last part of the resolution is it 's actually taking up the area , where at the present time we have n't got a D S O. It seems stupid that you go into a school and you can clean , clean their classrooms , cut their grass and look after their , do their grounds maintenance , cook the kids ' dinners , but you ca n't do any minor repairs , you 've got to call in another organisation .
23 In other words , without it one can not explain why at the present time there is a maldistribution of world wealth and income such that the countries of the Northern hemisphere contain only 25 per cent of the world 's population but obtain 80 per cent of the world 's income , while the countries of the South contain 75 per cent of the world 's population but obtain only 20 per cent of the world 's income .
24 But it is all too evident that there does not exist anywhere at the present time an active political movement which would be capable of initiating such a development , and if such a movement came into existence it would encounter immense difficulties .
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