Example sentences of "[adv] and ensure that " in BNC.

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1 Designate a set of spatulas for dispensing tissue culture chemicals only and ensure that they are cleaned after every use .
2 Get together and ensure that there is an agreed approach to be put to the local courts .
3 Stick to the knitting : identifying that which is done best and ensuring that every aspect of management is geared to maintaining it .
4 The quest for respectability was very much part of the drive to increase audiences generally and to ensure that motion-picture theatres were not confined to any down-town ghetto but it was also part of an even more fundamental question .
5 The weekend of 13/14 March was used to do the cut over and to ensure that everything was in full working order .
6 This provides a smooth surface to paint over and ensures that the colours come up clean and bright .
7 We must ensure that there is local flexibility when assessing housing benefit so that it is sufficient to meet the charges that are imposed locally and to ensure that the gap does not widen .
8 Rather bitter negotiations resulted in our final victory , and our stuffing our possessions into the windowless cabin astern and ensuring that our toothbrushes — significant status symbols — joined the only other two aboard in the privileged rack at the foot of the mizzenmast .
9 It is an important role of the database administrator to control attempts to keep data on the database indefinitely and to ensure that data entering the database is likely to be of use in the near future .
10 Will the Minister investigate the matter urgently and ensure that the Department of Social Security office in Newcastle upon Tyne is made aware of the fact that the Government increased VAT last April ?
11 The appropriate response is to set up ways to manage the resistance productively and to ensure that its effects further the organization 's progress in its journey from here to there .
12 The point is , enough Lib Dems voted Labour here and ensured that John Major 's new majority is two fewer than it would otherwise have been .
13 He should stop shilly-shallying around and mucking about and ensure that that £100 million of our money is released to our coal mining areas .
14 And women have to got to get , get out there and ensure that the people who do plan the way that these services are are operated and managed an an all the things evaluated , that women have a real say in that .
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