Example sentences of "[adv] of the recession " in BNC.

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1 The pressure to change emerged out of the recession in the early 1980s and the increasing incursion of the Japanese into world markets with productivity levels light years ahead of European competitors .
2 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
3 As we come out of the recession , retailers will be looking for new merchandise to attract people into their stores , ’ says Gledhill .
4 The pound has found its own level and if the UK continues to creep out of the recession with a stronger pound , anything is possible .
5 Offering a financial advisory service is so often a logical extension of tax advice and other staple accountancy functions that it seems almost perverse not to realise its potential and reap the rewards ( and this will be even more the case once we start to move out of the recession ) .
6 Those who advocate an expansionist policy believe that a 6% base rate is the minimum necessary to get the economy out of the recession , even if it involves a further decline in sterling .
7 It must also put together a package which will help to ease Britain out of the recession .
8 CONFIDENCE is what is needed to get Britain out of the recession .
9 Yet if that is the only way to raise the cash to get Britain out of the recession , so be it .
10 There is no significant change in Government expenditure which we really need to try to boost the economy and move out of the recession .
11 With the spring we could begin the long slow climb out of the recession .
12 But the housing market will pull out of the recession in the second half of 1993 , say the economic pundits .
13 Bills of this size will have a devastating impact on families still struggling to fight their way out of the recession .
14 He attacked the claims of Prime Minister John Major and Chancellor Norman Lamont that bringing down inflation would get Britain out of the recession .
15 A revived housing market could lead the way out of the recession .
16 It says it comes out of the recession with important increases in market share and looks to the future with great confidence .
17 To give an extreme example , fiscal policies designed to increase employment might take effect after a year , when , say , the economy had begun to move out of the recession .
18 His solution was now to spend his way out of the recession by a massive expansion of public works programmes , and by the summer of 1939 the crisis was over — although there were still over 9 million unemployed .
19 In the long term , he said , the government would not take us out of the recession ; the recession would work out naturally .
20 And part of the reason why we 're not really out of the recession , is that people are not willing to commit themselves to any further expenditure because they 're not quite sure in six months or twelve months time , as to whether they 're going to have anything in the way of a job .
21 I notice also that the president of the chambers of commerce said that British industry and commerce were on ’ an improving trend of slowly and steadily climbing out of the recession ’ .
22 The report itself says : ’ an improving trend of slowly and steadily climbing out of the recession . ’
23 This Government caused the recession , they continued the recession , and now they have not got a clue how to get out of the recession .
24 I believe that , as we come out of the recession , we shall find that British industry is much stronger than it was during the same period at the beginning of the 1980s , and that it will prosper mightily during the remainder of the 1990s .
25 Unless we can raise our production of goods , unless we can become more efficient and unless our manufacturing sector can become larger , there will be fundamental defects in the British economy and we will never get out of the recession .
26 If we are to come out of the recession without increasing inflation , we need to sell more goods abroad and at home in competition with imports , but we will not be able to do that .
27 Its expansion could take us out of the recession without further inflation and increasing unemployment .
28 It is concentrated in one part of the country , and it is an obstacle to economic growth and to our coming out of the recession without increasing inflation .
29 Another way of getting out of the recession is by increasing public expenditure .
30 His statement implies that we are not yet out of the recession , so let us borrow some more , increase the PSBR , and do the Keynesian thing which , a few years ago , we did not think we should do , and perhaps that will get us out of the recession by the time of the election .
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