Example sentences of "[adv] the wrong [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , to use two sets of terms is to court confusion : unless the two categories of business are wholly separate , the likelihood is that eventually the wrong set will be used .
2 Which is why it 's a very good idea when you next go into your offices this afternoon , to rock the receiver , like this , because any camp ons put on the wrong extension on the ‘ ring no reply ’ camp on will be matured , on a first come first served basis , so that 's how people get to talk to you .
3 Raymond Aron , for example , argued that the General 's policy " accustomed the French to taking on the wrong enemy " .
4 In the dark , panic-stricken by what she 'd done , she ran down the wrong passage , towards the sea instead of towards the land , slipped and fell to her death on the rocks below . ’
5 Remember that he says he then , in his fright at what he had done , went to peer at his victim , and found that he had struck down the wrong man .
6 ‘ So you are saying plainly , ’ said Earl Robert , attentive and still , ‘ that there were two murderers , at least in intent , and this wretched brother , once he knew he had struck down the wrong man , had no reason in the world to wish him further harm . ’
7 Oh well , she said , you see , it 's my work , she said I work in a , in an insurance office and she said I 'm in and out the courts all the time , you see so he knocked down the wrong person
8 I went down the wrong route with the referrals and
9 ‘ Drink went down the wrong way . ’
10 Lili 's cigarette smoke went down the wrong way .
11 Or bits that have gone down the wrong way ?
12 Whether Rainbow remembers or not , history will never know , because she is too busy choking on a gulp of tea that has suddenly slipped down the wrong way .
13 My Bud went down the wrong way and I had a fit of choking .
14 Handing him one of the cans , she drank from her own , and coughed as it went down the wrong way .
15 Hits it so low , he knocks it off and he comes down the wrong way and lands on top of us .
16 fax numbers and things put on but that alright let's give she came back to me the other day and said I can not get this fax through and had actually typed down the wrong fax number
17 Whoever suggested the grandiose title and subtitle of this book was looking down the wrong end of a microscope .
18 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
19 Several times he apologised for using what was perhaps the wrong word .
20 well business that would n't , my Lord , that 's perhaps the wrong description , business that would not of been written had the restrictions not been in place
21 To them Heathcote does all the wrong things , says all the wrong things , and writes in the wrong way .
22 When it comes to going to bed at night I do all the wrong things — and I 'll bet you do , too .
23 While unlikely , this is not in principle altogether implausible , and so the wrong answer would be reached .
24 Sharma v Knight [ 1986 ] 1 WLR 757 is authority for the proposition that jurisdiction conferred on county courts by statute is a general one and it is not restricted to the district in which proceedings should have been brought in accordance with Ord 4 , r 8 and that , if proceedings have been brought in the wrong county court , then the court nevertheless has jurisdiction to deal with the matter .
25 Only the wrong kind of boy comes forward to be his friend ; the right kind are just the ones who hang back . ’
26 This was entirely the wrong way to make policy and a cavalier way of dealing with a popular and effective service .
27 Doreen realised she was going about matters in entirely the wrong way .
28 ‘ For entirely the wrong reasons , of course . ’
29 ‘ Mr Blake , somehow you seem to have entirely the wrong idea about me . ’
30 Again , she had plenty of opportunity to turn tail and run , to prove to him somehow , somewhere , some way , that he had got entirely the wrong idea about her .
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