Example sentences of "[adv] to [adj] side " in BNC.

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1 A strong wind tore through the trees whipping the branches fiercely to one side while the rain swept across their faces .
2 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
3 The shiny black central sphere flicked suddenly to one side , jumped as if touched , like an animalcule at the bottom of a microscope imprisoned by the tension of a viscous fluid .
4 I noticed that when Pyke was about to talk he put his head thoughtfully to one side and looked away into the distance .
5 Pushing a chair gently to one side , he placed it on the table and sat down .
6 Hands gripped her shoulders and moved her gently to one side .
7 Then , stretching out one hand , he pushed her very gently to one side and strode past her into the living-room .
8 Kneel down to one side of your partner ( or stand if you are using a massage couch ) .
9 if if you remember we we kept the annual report bit , the financial bit just down to one side .
10 The sheets were twisted and the blankets had slipped down to one side .
11 Forward and down to either side , the maximum clear viewing area is available outlined with the cream of the 207 's primary colour .
12 A crucial distinction turned out to be whether the stimuli were presented only to one side of fixation at a time or simultaneously to both sides .
13 Too often it 's a game where the rules are known only to one side .
14 Apathy is usually ascribed only to one side — the parents — and that is sometimes thought to give a sufficient reason for teachers and schools to give up the struggle of recruiting them as allies .
15 Quick as she was , Feargal was quicker and swerved swiftly to one side .
16 Indeed , a charging shark can not stop , it can only swerve away to one side .
17 Their udders dropped and their teats became larger and more pendulous so that when they lay down in their stalls the vital milk-producing organ was pushed away to one side into the path of the neighbouring animals .
18 And another one moving the chaff away to one side .
19 As he tried in vain to jerk his head away to one side , shouting in fear , the taut rope caught him across the throat , cutting off the sound of his voice and throwing him backwards off his horse .
20 There were two other mounds about the same distance away to either side .
21 The gardens of the Manor Road houses went through to one side of Fair View Road and my cousin pointed out a Nissen Hut in one of them as the garage rented by Mr. Rogers where the fateful taxi had been kept .
22 Ajayi smiled and shook her head ; she put her hand just to one side of the glittering projected line of squares and seemed to fumble with something invisible in the air .
23 Just to one side
24 Keeping your weight over to that side , raise your back leg 2 ins ( 5cm ) off the floor and move it forwards and back just an inch or two .
25 Keeping your weight over to that side , raise the back leg 2ins ( 5cm ) and move it forwards and back just an inch or two .
26 When I am ready for residential care , I may totter over to that side of the House , but until then I am happy to stay on this side .
27 In those days the artificial leg you were given did n't meet the skin ; you had to wear thick woollen socks over the join where the artificial leg met your own leg , and a metal belt to hold it in place , which pulled your body over to one side .
28 When there was water in the pond behind the hut , Goshai used to go fishing , damming the pond in the middle and scooping the water over to one side , leaving little fishes panting on their sides in the mud .
29 When she is ready to be mounted by the male she conspicuously moves her tail over to one side .
30 As soon as the hooves touched the ground the legs crumpled and carefully he rearranged them , folding them over to one side , out of the way of the body .
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