Example sentences of "[adv] a particular [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The poem which gives us the best insight into knightly and aristocratic life c. 1200 , L'Histoire de Guillaume le Maréchal ( the story of William Marshal ) , rarely fails to tell us how much a particular horse was worth : it could be as much as forty , fifty or even a hundred livres — and this at a time when a serf could be bought for ten livres .
2 First , we can use hoards to define the time individual coin types remained in circulation , since we can tell from them how long a particular coin continued to be available for hoarders .
3 Second , only rarely would a coin have been lost at or near the same time when it was made ; we must bear in mind how long a particular type of coin is likely to have stayed in circulation .
4 Democracy signified a particular type of society , and not merely a particular form of government , or of choosing a government .
5 In our consideration of the interview for scientific enquiry we must always remind ourselves that the survey is merely a particular tool for collecting information which is deemed relevant for the testing of a hypothesis which stems from theory .
6 How aware are you that the powers that be could be steering you down a particular course ?
7 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
8 On the whole , the champions of the literal approach have been the party attempting to strike down a particular clause whilst the object and intent approach tends to favour parties who are attempting to uphold the restraint .
9 You will usually find that there is a favourite flower that you can use , or perhaps a particular colour , for a picture such as this .
10 One might have thought that only a particular unit of the type could be ‘ tried on ’ , but that seems not to be the case .
11 Nonetheless , many employers wish to concentrate for redundancy purposes upon only a particular segment of the work-force .
12 In this light , Idealism embodies only a particular notion of morality , reflecting not even the interests of particular nations , but more specifically the interests of a particular class within the states concerned .
13 For in our national tradition , in the arts as until recently in sports , it is the amateur who is most admired ; and Auden 's charming joker by the Christmas hearth is only a particular version of the amateur .
14 Causton plans to alter the ends of the polymers to make them stick better to specific surfaces or make them attractive to only a particular protein .
15 But in some cases there is dependence , and laser killing shows that , for example , one kind of cell induces three other cells just next to it to develop along a particular pathway .
16 He was thus a particular target for the Tories , and according to his own account lost his seat at the 1702 election after a specific campaign against him inspired by the Tory leaders .
17 Indeed , in a certain kind of theory , centre-periphery relations are not just a particular case , they constitute the framework within which all social interaction takes place .
18 Alternatively , your ideas may be discussed in advance with any member of the Committee , who represent the Garden as a whole , not just a particular user ‘ constituency ’ .
19 In this respect Fforde believes that individualism was not just a particular strand of the Conservative tradition , but was the Conservative tradition , and that ‘ Tory Centrism , anti-capitalism , or paternalist interventionism ’ are ‘ phantoms of the historiographical imagination ’ .
20 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
21 I do n't remember him doing much digging in the garden but in my memory he is always mowing the lawn and fussing over a particular type of grass which evaded the blades and sprang back upright after the mower had passed over it .
22 I have often missed him , often felt that if only I could talk over a particular problem with him he would help me to see the way .
23 There is still tremendous distrust and infighting between and even among clans , with each claiming hold over a particular region of the country .
24 It is sometimes said by government officials — I have heard it said by leading members of the administrations of Tanzania , Nigeria , Sierra Leone and Zambia — that African journalists are not sufficiently experienced to tell when an interested party in a dispute may be attempting to put over a particular point of view or discredit a government policy by using the press or radio .
25 It has been calculated that , in the Gulf of Mexico , there is a 95 per cent probability that a hurricane will pass over a particular point on the coast at least once in 3000 years .
26 What is needed is not exactly a particular type of condition specified before the present occasion , but a slightly different one , which did indeed obtain previously when the wipers started .
27 Provided , therefore , that the House is careful to avoid mention of any determination of whether or not a particular privilege exists , and to confine itself to statements which are consistent with it 's merely having decided that a breach has occurred , it can make its will prevail ( Case of the Sheriff of Middlesex ( 1840 ) 11 A & E 273 ) .
28 They proposed instead a new list of candidates which included themselves ‘ and certain other painters whom we knew to a greater or lesser extent … who seemed to us capable of representing if not a particular tendency at least a certain standard ’ .
29 As far as examining goes , or marking essays , I assume that most of my colleagues take the sort of line that I do , that what we 're looking for is not a particular interpretation of something , but an ability to get to grips with texts , to produce an argument that 's logical , coherent , well-written and is supported from the texts .
30 The sensory attributes of an odour capable of measurement include its intensity , character , acceptability and detectability , all of which are relevant in deciding whether or not a particular odour amounts to a nuisance at law .
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