Example sentences of "[adv] rely on the " in BNC.

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1 Lloyd 's has hitherto relied on the promises of rich men and women to meet exceptional insurance losses from their personal resources ; in recompense for this personal risk , they were often handsomely rewarded .
2 First , all the evidence that is available shows that the expansion of the social services did not so much rely on the workers made redundant from the industrial sector but rather it drew on new sources of labour — mainly women .
3 He can only rely on the doctor 's skill and good faith .
4 He said that councillors had no idea what was going on , and could only rely on the advice of the council 's officials .
5 The company was bound by the representation and could only rely on the exclusion clause to exclude liability for damage to beads and sequins .
6 However , in other cases the courts have held that where a clause requiring best endeavours appears with an exclusion or force majeure clause , it qualifies the latter , so that the contractor can only rely on the exclusion or force majeure clause if it can establish that it used best endeavours ( see Yates and Hawkins , Standard Business Contracts : Exclusions and Related Devices , p165 ) .
7 Although provision is made for the acquisition of such rights under the Telecommunications Code ( Telecommunications Act 1984 , Sched 2 ) , it is unwise merely to rely on the statutory machinery .
8 Unfortunately , few of them actually ever bothered to try it for themselves — they just relied on the evidence presented .
9 Our advice , from solicitors and counsel , remained steadfast : that , in their view , the banks had clearly lost money through their own negligence and had not relied on the company accounts at all .
10 The defendants had not relied on the clause but had reached a negotiated settlement in similar prior cases .
11 Additionally , the defendants had of their own accord not relied on the clause in other customer disputes , which showed that they themselves tended to regard its limitation as unreasonable .
12 The need to compete ( and no longer rely on the taxpayer or a government that just printed money ) had a dramatic effect on industry .
13 They no longer rely on the taking of deposits to finance their lending , because they can now borrow on the wholesale money markets .
14 7.2 Landlord to insure The Landlord covenants with the Tenant to insure the Premises and the Retained Parts [ subject to the Tenant paying the Insurance Rent ] unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act of the Tenant or by anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] While it would be preferable for the insurance to be in the joint names of the landlord and the tenant in order to give the tenant more control over the insurance and to avoid the problem of subrogation referred to below , landlords tend to resist this , presumably on the basis that they wish to retain absolute control and not rely on the tenant in any way as regards the insurance cover .
15 The identification of the nucleotide sequence recognized by a protein generally relies on the characterization of mutations that interfere with binding of the protein , analyses of protein-DNA complexes using various footprinting techniques and on a comparison of the sequences of different binding sites .
16 They have made efforts to run the ball a bit more and not just rely on the forwards to force the opposition into defensive errors and batton on penalty kicks or pushover tries .
17 If the speaker is observing the maxims in a fairly direct way , he may nevertheless rely on the addressee to amplify what he says by some straightforward inferences based on the assumption that the speaker is following the maxims .
18 Although in their own eyes the rebels had simply been fighting for what was rightfully theirs , from the point of view of Henry II and Richard they were disturbers of the peace , and as princes maintaining the peace within their dominions , the Angevins could generally rely on the support of the church .
19 And we can no longer rely on the extended family being dose at hand .
20 And , come to that , can we any longer rely on the received doctrine that it 's for the Chief Constable to decide on the allocation of resources ? ’
21 With the soaring call for its services — when the UN takes over the Somali operation on May 4th the number of peacekeepers in the field will increase from around 60,000 to nearly 90,000 — the organisation can no longer rely on the old faithfuls : countries that , either from idealism ( Canada and Scandinavia , for instance ) or from poverty ( Fiji , Nepal and many others ) , were glad to provide troops .
22 When the teacher inhibits the child from pointing and pretends not to be able to see the picture , the child understands that the communicative situation has changed , that she can no longer rely on the shared visual context and she makes her reference explicit ( the teddy ) , locates him verbally rather than by pointing to him ( on the chair ) and makes explicit how the second picture differs from the first ( there ai n't no teddy ) .
23 They concluded that BP Oil could no longer rely on the business environment to improve the company 's results .
24 ( a ) As leader of the party in power , he has been chosen by the electorate , has control over the party machinery and can normally rely on the strength of party loyalty to maintain his position .
25 The broad effect of this is that a defect will normally be cured as against the administrator and liquidator ( since unsecured creditors will not normally rely on the register of charges ) but not against persons who acquire an interest ( who will normally rely on the register of charges ) .
26 The broad effect of this is that a defect will normally be cured as against the administrator and liquidator ( since unsecured creditors will not normally rely on the register of charges ) but not against persons who acquire an interest ( who will normally rely on the register of charges ) .
27 The party could not rely on the achievements of the past decade to win the next election .
28 Higher education could not rely on the taxpayer as its only source of funds , he told the annual meeting of the university 's court of governors .
29 Read the whole case again , read all the symptoms of the remedy and refer to the Materia Medica of the most common remedies at the back of the book for the final comparison which does not rely on the numerical evaluation .
30 The thermotron , as the apparatus was called , did not rely on the principle of the hydrogen bomb .
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