Example sentences of "[adv] elect [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the Congress in its present form dates back to Mikhail Gorbachev 's ; it was not elected by general suffrage , but ( on behalf of the whole of what was still the Soviet Union ) partly elected on a local basis and partly nominated by special interest groups .
2 Such a government was finally elected on 14 August 1949 after an intense election campaign .
3 The head of state is the President , who since 1976 has been nominated by the congress of the ruling National Liberation Party ( FLN ) and formally elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term .
4 These are composed largely of local councillors indirectly appointed by their local authority but not directly elected to these bodies .
5 Executive power is held by the President ( also directly elected for five years ) , assisted by a Vice-President and an appointed Cabinet .
6 Juvénal Habyarimana ) and the 70-member National Development Council ( CND ) , whose members are also directly elected for five years from a list of candidates put forward by the sole legal party , the National Revolutionary Movement for Development ( Mouvement révolutionnaire national pour le développement — MRND ) .
7 Legislative power is exercised jointly by the President and the 70-member National Development Council , whose members are also directly elected for five years from a list of candidates put forward by the sole legal party , the National Revolutionary Movement for Development ( MRND ) .
8 Legislative power is vested in the bicameral Legislative Assembly , comprising a 27-member Senate and a 53-member House of Representatives ; both chambers are directly elected for four-year terms .
9 Legislative power is vested in a bicameral National Congress consisting of a Senate of at least 30 members and a Chamber of Deputies of at least 60 members , both directly elected for five-year terms ( subject to dissolution ) at the same time as the President .
10 Legislative power is held by a bicameral National Congress comprising a 30-member Senate and a 72-member Chamber of Deputies , both directly elected for five-year terms ( subject to dissolution by the President ) .
11 The President and National Congress are directly elected for concurrent five-year terms .
12 The final recommendation ( the committee had divided almost equally ) was for an assembly of which two-thirds would be directly elected with one-third elected by the territorial councils of chiefs .
13 Key institutions : ( i ) The Commission ( which proposes legislation and implements the Treaties-for composition see pp. 36405-06 ) ; ( ii ) the Council ( the key decision-making body generally comprising the relevant government ministers from each state but also meeting twice a year at head of state and government level as the European Council ) ; ( iii ) the Parliament or Assembly , directly elected since 1979 ; ( iv ) the European Court of Justice ; ( v ) the European Investment Bank ; and ( vi ) the Economic and Social Committee ( Ecosoc , an advisory body ) .
14 Emboldened by its example , Hong Kong 's Legislative Councillors decided that not less than half their number should be directly elected in 1995 , and the rest 10 years later ; they later scaled the first figure down to 40 per cent , to win the suport of more conservative interest groups .
15 Patten proposed that all 230 district and urban council seats be directly elected in 1995 ; currently , a third of the seats were appointed .
16 Between them these parties also took all seven seats in the Bosnia-Hercegovina state Presidency , which was directly elected in separate voting on Nov. 18 .
17 Half of them are directly elected in 248 territorial constituencies , and the other half are additional members indirectly elected by means of party-list votes .
18 The BLDC political subcommittee ( composed of 10 Chinese and six Hong Kong representatives ) proposed that 30 per cent of the Hong Kong Legislative Council ( Legco ) would be directly elected in 1997 , rising to 40 per cent in 1999 and 50 per cent in 2003 [ for figures proposed under the second draft of the Basic Law published in February 1989 see p. 36763 ] .
19 The political model codified in the Basic Law proposed that one-third of the Hong Kong Legislative Council ( Legco ) be directly elected in 1997 , rising to half in 2003 .
20 The DP secured 62 per cent of the vote , winning an overall majority with 92 of the 140 seats in the new People 's Assembly ( including 90 of the 100 seats directly elected by individual constituencies — see February 1992 electoral law p. 38775 ) .
21 Martin Lee , an outspoken critic of China and a proponent of full democracy for the territory , had called for half the Legco seats to be directly elected by 1995 .
22 Legislative powers reside with the bicameral Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the upper house ( Ständerat ) of representatives from the cantons and the lower house ( Nationalrat or National Council ) directly elected by proportional representation .
23 Under the 1980 Constitution an executive President is elected every five years with the 65-member unicameral National Assembly ( of which 53 members are directly elected by proportional representation and 12 are regional representatives ) .
24 The King agreed that the forthcoming elections should be by secret ballot , with parliamentary candidates nominated by chiefs and directly elected by traditional tribal communities ( tinkundla ) .
25 Mr. Michael Latham presented a Bill to abolish the General Synod of the Church of England , on a date to be appointed ; to provide for the creation of a Church of England Assembly , consisting of a house of all diocesan , suffragan and assistant bishops , and a joint house of clergy and laity , to be directly elected by all Church of England clergy and lay persons on parochial electoral rolls ; to make provision for the Diocese of Sodor and Man ; to empower the Assembly to decide on all appropriate matters , except those within the legal responsibilities of the Church Commissioners , without further reference to Parliament ; to provide for the election of new bishops by members of the house of bishops , saving the right of final approval of the chosen candidate by the Crown ; to abolish the Ecclesiastical Committee ; to abolish the automatic places of bishops in the House of Lords ; to permit ordained clergy of the Church of England , with the consent of a diocesan bishop , to seek election to the House of Commons ; and for connected purposes :
26 In addition , the legislature was to be altered from the existing bicameral system [ see pp. 38626-27 ] to a unicameral system , whereby the People 's Great Hural was to be directly elected by all citizens over 25 years old .
27 A key change to previous proposals was the suggestion that the executive council be directly elected by all South African citizens .
28 This group is demanding that delegates to the party congress next July be directly elected by rank-and-file members .
29 Legislative authority is vested in a Chamber of Representatives elected for a six-year term and comprising 306 members , of whom 206 are directly elected by universal adult suffrage , and the remainder by an electoral college composed of local councillors and representatives of professional bodies .
30 The administration consists of an executive President who is directly elected by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term , and who appoints and presides over a Council of Ministers .
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