Example sentences of "[adv] intend for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both vehicles are eventually intended for works and storage purposes .
2 It was a rickety old piece of work ; presumably intended for servants banished from the regular stairs .
3 CIRCULATION of documents apparently intended for board members and senior executives of the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association has fuelled speculation that the professional game 's governing body has ‘ wasted the golden years of snooker and not planned properly for the future . ’
4 There were also four lumps of silver apparently intended for circulation .
5 The main , second and third wave , army , consisting of 100 battalions , or about 50,000 men , would be held in reserve until the last moment between the Lower Rhine and the River Meuse , apparently intended for Westphalia .
6 The Constitutions of Archbishop Oda of Canterbury ( 941 – 58 ) , apparently intended for recitation , told King Edmund to obey his bishops , and insisted that he rule justly .
7 The bag contained wool , needles and a pattern for a sweater obviously intended for Penry , by the measurements ringed in red .
8 The late '40s means ‘ bebop ’ , much harder and faster than the ‘ swing ’ tempos of the '20s and '30s , and certainly not intended for dance halls .
9 Answer guide : The profit or loss arises as the result of the difference between the sale proceeds from an asset not intended for resale and its net book value which is ‘ broadly ’ based on its continuing use in the business .
10 Mona said they were personal photos not intended for publication .
11 A full programme schedule , including transmissions not intended for Europe but which can be heard in the UK , can be obtained from Radio Netherlands , PO Box 222 , NL-1200 JG Hilversum , Holland .
12 Plastics not intended for food use vary : some may leach dye into the water , and some can be toxic .
13 Despite their description , ‘ Early Day Motions ’ are not intended for debate at all .
14 The SPAR system was not intended for use in practical applications , but was written to test a specific version of the hypothesis that a shallow processing approach to NLP , of relying heavily on linguistic knowledge and limiting the extent and use of world knowledge , can usually achieve accurate results in ambiguity resolution .
15 The explanation may be that the figurines were not intended for use as ornaments but were votives to he left in shrines : they had a symbolic , not an aesthetic , role to play .
16 Article 1(2) , excluding attempts to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated , is considered below in the context of pre-trial discovery .
17 A Letter shall not be used to obtain evidence which is not intended for use in judicial proceedings , commenced or contemplated .
18 Normally intended for Honours graduates in an appropriate subject who wish to study one or a combination of two of the following subjects in a Scottish context : traditional tales and songs ; ethnomusicology ; social life and history ; custom and belief ; material culture ; place-names .
19 It was , after all , the first comprehensive Welfare Act directly intended for adolescents ( 14–17 ) , although previous legislation had specified hours and conditions of labour for children and young persons , and young adolescents were included in several of the clauses in the Children Act 1908 .
20 He is ready , he says , to consider Syria 's ‘ vital interests ’ in Lebanon , and by that he appears to mean that its army could stay in the Beka'a Valley , provided it is clearly intended for defence against Israeli attack and not for interference in Lebanon 's internal affairs .
21 This manuscript , which was clearly intended for publication , reflects his personal observation as well as drawing on the published literature on the disease .
22 Standard controls are a single wheel on a fixed left-side-only or throw-over yoke pivoting fore-and-aft on a centreline pillar ; but as it is partly intended for training G-DHCB has twin control wheels at either end of a Y-shaped structure .
23 The use , in pavements , of designs which were probably intended for ceilings or vaults has been considered by Painter ( 1976 ) , with regard to the mosaic from Hinton St. Mary , Dorset .
24 There is music for the vernacular liturgy of the 1559 Book of Common Prayer , and a handful of pieces probably intended for use as the extra-liturgical anthem ; this was composed for the vocal chorus available at the Chapel Royal and the greater corporate churches , and virtually alone among Byrd 's output qualifies as public rather than domestic music .
25 We see nothing wrong in designing vehicles that are intended for motion but we feel it wrong to design ideas that are also intended for motion .
26 Also intended for use as a reference book .
27 The course is mainly intended for people without employer sponsorship .
28 Much of their music was originally intended for plays or Court masques ; a great deal of it consists of undistinguished melodic declamation , 56 and even the simpler tuneful airs in which they are happiest seldom if ever match the poems of Donne and Herrick , Suckling and Carew , which they set .
29 Some concrete and clay plain tiles originally intended for roofing can also be used for cladding walls .
30 Originally intended for medicine , Wilson was in part brought up by his uncle , the phrenologist Dr Thomas Hutchinson of Knaresborough .
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