Example sentences of "[adv] prepare [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Manager may only prepare the package provided that the package has not yet been submitted for approval .
2 The Approver may only prepare the package after the package has been submitted for approval .
3 Erm , and in the faith and life department of URC we 'd better preparing a pack on the children rights .
4 These restrictions show that the subjective element is merely preparing the ground for the objective element ; it is not part of a broader defence of emotional pressure of the kind discussed in Chapter 6.5(c) above .
5 This dish will need long , slow marinating , so prepare the goose the night before .
6 Their advice was not wholly disinterested , however , since there seems to have been a move in the Conservative Party at this time to replace Baldwin as Party leader by Austen Chamberlain , and so prepare the ground for another Conservative/Liberal Coalition-a reversal , as Cowling puts it , of the verdict of the Carlton Club which had destroyed the Lloyd George Coalition .
7 pulverized cuttle-shell contained in a pounce-box , shaped like a pepper-caster , from which it was shaken over parchment and rubbed in to prepare the surface for writing .
8 The task of this chapter is to investigate the phenomenon of style in general terms , and so to prepare the ground for the analysis of its various aspects and manifestations in later chapters .
9 If you are granting approval , you must have successfully prepared the package ( and obtained the approval listings ) .
10 Also , for granting approval , you must have successfully prepared the package for approval using option 1.5.2 .
11 This , in a performance of the present one 's quality , properly prepared the way for the work 's titular song .
12 You will not know the precise balance until you have prepared a completion statement , and you can not prepare a completion statement until you have worked out your own firm 's costs and disbursements ; and indeed until you have taken into account the costs and additional fees or charges that may be relevant to the particular transaction .
13 It is a common tactic of sellers to delay producing the disclosure letter until as late as possible , usually saying that they can not prepare the disclosure letter until the warranties against which disclosure is made have been finalised .
14 But if you were to say ‘ I believe so ’ or ‘ I doubt it ’ , we might not prepare the meal but we could hardly plan to go elsewhere until we had heard from you more definitely .
15 He had his answer to questions about the events of that morning but he had not prepared an answer to any others .
16 I have just prepared a paper for my Executive Committee on this and I have enclosed a copy in the hope it might be of some value .
17 Roirbak led the way to the laboratory annexe of the complex , where he 'd already prepared a couple of rooms for their research .
18 I have already prepared a directory in Russian , which I plan to translate with advice on relevant matters .
19 When I get to the township , three women have already prepared the bread dough in a bucket .
20 Connor had already prepared the way for them , and Mary was in her best dress , with baby Lilian on her lap and Danny at her side when they walked into the kitchen .
21 I understand that you have either already prepared the information or have the matters in hand .
22 On the island Mazzini had already prepared the ground for an uprising against the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies which controlled the island and the mainland province of Reggio-Calabria .
23 He had already prepared the ground for the extension of the concrete flooring , and , since this was likely to be the last Sunday of the year when it would not freeze , the next job was to prepare the concrete mixture , which lay against the wall in a large bag .
24 Two brisk , efficient looking nurses had taken Doyle 's vital signs , changed the plasma drip , and generally prepared the man for surgery .
25 When we worked it out as an average that the sheer monitoring and chasing quotes or following up quotes erm and just preparing the documentation , we were n't convinced that was the case at all .
26 Just preparing the ground .
27 The change of emphasis which is implied in this silence is confirmed by the negotiations of the next few years : Pascal was clearly already preparing a withdrawal from the extreme position adopted by his predecessor .
28 This ‘ new economic consensus ’ , as it is being referred to , is already preparing the ground for planned cuts in the economic development budget and the day the Making Belfast Work initiative comes to an end .
29 Diameter has since been declared in default by the Investors Compensation Scheme , thus preparing the way for compensation .
30 When we were discussing these issues in our Working Group the teachers often reminded me that we were not preparing a thesis for university dons .
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