Example sentences of "[adv] longer [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 That 's why I see Irish society now as healthily fragmented , as no longer cohesive , and certainly no longer bound by one definition of republicanism .
2 He thought of nothing while he watched them , he shed his own worries and experienced their freedom , no longer bound by his own dull , weak body .
3 The House of Lords is , as we shall see , no longer bound by its own previous decisions and enjoys a unique power to reshape legal principles established by an accumulation of case law .
4 Namawar , because he had said the Ismailis were no longer bound by Islamic law ! ’
5 they are no longer bound by college curricula , timetables or , even , college teaching .
6 chipped out , aye and of course we had a machine doing all that work , it was no longer done by hand it was done by machine
7 In Washington , the administration has now let it be known that it will work for the softening of the amendment 's consequences , provided — and forgetting Kosovo for the moment — that Stipe Mesic , a Croat , is no longer obstructed by the Serbs from taking up the post of chairman ( for one year ) of Yugoslavia 's eight-member presidency .
8 The bands are no longer separated by two borders , only the wreath pattern is present ; furthermore , the chain-guilloche which borders the outer band now runs into that which encloses the whole circular design .
9 Furthermore , once the profitable state enterprises have been sold , the state will be left with unprofitable ‘ rump ’ , which will still require state funding , no longer offset by the profits made by other state enterprises .
10 Malawi is no longer ruled by fear
11 But , whatever the Consultative Group decides in Paris , it is clear that Malawi is no longer ruled by fear .
12 It was the lesser clergy who frustrated the king 's attempt to smudge the distinctions to his own advantage , so that by 1322 parliament was virtually eliminated as the place to raise clerical subsidies , and convocation was no longer summoned by the offending writ .
13 The advent of commercial and domestic freezing equipment means that what we eat is no longer limited by the time of year — although whether you consider the flavour of food which has been deep frozen for any length of time to be as good is another matter .
14 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
15 Whatever the mechanism , the result is that : ( a ) the K + accumulated by H + , K + , ATPase can be recycled into the lumen , so that H + /K + exchange is no longer limited by availability of K + ; and ( b ) secretion of Cl - ions can accompany secretion of H + , thereby preserving electroneutrality .
16 Ratners , no longer run by flamboyant founder Gerald Ratner but by James McAdam , said ‘ recovery in consumer confidence is still somewhat variable ’ .
17 He rejects the suggestion that they are no longer united by a common experience .
18 Waste paper is no longer generated by the ton and almost every home has one in the form of a television set — imagine the popularity of home computers if Teletypes were still used !
19 The open-door policy was set to continue and China was no longer governed by one all-powerful dictator , but in theory at least , by the ‘ collective leadership ’ of the CPC .
20 So it is no longer such a hypothetical question to ask , if the nation state were to be abolished ( at least in the sense that it was no longer governed by a sovereign government directly accountable for its actions to the people ) , would a new form of democracy , perhaps more potent than that offered by the nation state , rise from the ashes ?
21 Carrington was no longer fooled by that .
22 Moxie , no longer employed by Jack , had undergone a transformation .
23 His follow-up letter in the summer was answered by a brief note that stated that Sixsmith was no longer employed by the TLM .
24 Auditors are no longer employed by the Secretary of State , although the commission itself is appointed by the Secretary of State after consultation with local authority associations and professional accountancy bodies , and he is empowered to issue directions which the commission must observe .
25 I passed by , and was no longer recognised by anyone ; the unknown children did not smile at me ; and I dared not ask what had become of those I had known , whom I feared to recognise in these bent men exhausted by life .
26 The fact that the system is no longer challenged by any mainstream party does not mean that there is nothing to challenge .
27 When men live in the transcendent they become lost to the world ; it is as if they speak an unknown language and are no longer understood by other men .
28 It followed that Charles and his men were no longer obliged by the truce-terms .
29 The honeymoon is likely to be the more enjoyable for that , no longer burdened by the weight of expectation , and sometimes fear , that spoilt the experience for some in days gone by .
30 The saga of the Danish No suggests that the EC can no longer evolve by piling amendment after amendment on to the Treaty of Rome — conveniently insidious though this method may be .
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