Example sentences of "[adv] refer to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If there was in fact any such material discrepancy or inconsistency it would have been the duty of counsel for the Crown to inform the defence of the fact , and indeed the learned trial judge expressly referred to Crown counsel 's duty in this respect .
2 This basically refers to success in spreading genes to later populations ; even if this means damage to an individual organism 's success .
3 However , ta'kwakomena not only refers to responsibility , but to personal autonomy in general .
4 Yet reluctance to use the word " God " does not mean that Buddhists deny the reality of Mystery with a capital M. For they believe in " Nirvana " as not literally referring to nothingness but to the enlightenment attendant upon the laying aside of barriers to it .
5 Thus if the clause does not expressly refer to negligence , the clause may still exclude liability for negligence provided that ( 1 ) the wording is capable of covering negligence and ( 2 ) there is no other head of liability to which the clause could apply .
6 Hollier is an extreme case , but its lesson for the drafter is that if a clause is intended to exclude liability for negligence , it should expressly refer to negligence .
7 Lastly , the best refers to business which values ideas and creativity , which stimulates and encourages individual development , particularly in terms of recognising that the individual does not represent one set of potentials but many .
8 We have already referred to marriage patterns .
9 The police discretion and powers under the legislation already referred to will , as usual , bring industrial protesters and pickets into a relationship with the police and it is on that relationship that the quality of freedom to protest and its scope will be worked out .
10 Although expert determination would be entirely suitable , the tradition of the trade prefers arbitration and disputes of this sort are now generally referred to commodity arbitrations , discussed in 15.6.5 .
11 Yesterday , in a letter to the GP signatories , Mr Fallon says he did not refer to fundholding practices but believes they have benefitted from controlling their budgets .
12 The core of the difficulty faced by duty-based controls lies in the fact that ‘ profit maximisation ’ , even ignoring questions of time-scale , does not refer to behaviour with any definite , objectively identifiable , content .
13 The proposal does not refer to sponsorship as such , but it does state , in convoluted Euro-language , that ‘ a ban should therefore be imposed on such indirect forms of advertising which while not actually mentioning the tobacco product , use trade marks , emblems , symbols or other distinctive elements associated with tobacco products …
14 General practitioners can determine the pattern of later health care delivery in Alzheimer 's disease and may not refer to specialist outpatient care .
15 I foresee violence , but did not refer to blood .
16 This may as easily refer to discourse type as to discourse topic ( Lecture notes on X , for example , or An article about Y ) .
17 As Derrida ( 1978b , p. 234 ) noted , Artaudian theatre was not to refer to life or represent life but instead to be life .
18 When the use of the term ‘ reading readiness ’ in education is examined , it will be seen not to refer to readiness to read , nor even to readiness to learn to read , but to quite a different state of affairs , namely readiness to cope with reading instruction .
19 The term ‘ open ’ adoption usually refers to baby adoption where the natural parent(s) meets and sometimes chooses the prospective adopters from an approved agency list .
20 When women are turned away , they are usually referred to homelessness organisations or other groups .
21 He quotes examples , such as Ley Rock , near Tintagel , and Bonsall Leys , high up on the Derbyshire moors , to demonstrate that the word did not always refer to pasture .
22 ( The reader is also referred to Chapter 12 , Section 2.4 ) .
23 So the request for une glace in a restaurant unambiguously refers to ice-cream and it is this aspect which must be interpreted .
24 This Order , which is now in force , allows lay people to represent litigants on a fee paid basis at County Court actions automatically referred to arbitration ( claims not exceeding £1,000 ) .
25 Where a claim has been automatically referred to arbitration ( when £1,000 or less was claimed or in dispute , Ord 19 , r 2(3) ) , costs are limited to the summons costs , save by special order ( Ord 19 , r 6 ) .
26 In support of their view , Belgium and Greece also referred to article 5(1) of the Convention of 1958 and to the Convention of 1982 .
27 He also referred to section 229(2) in the group of sections concerned with the winding up of unregistered companies .
28 He also referred to section 1(1) which provides :
29 The Minister will probably also refer to availability to colleges and educational establishments of access funds to alleviate instances of hardship .
30 Section 100 of the Public Health Act 1936 is silent on the availability of any defence to an action in the High Court , but the words of s.94(4) and s.94(5) clearly refer to summary proceedings , stating that ‘ where proceedings are brought under this section ( that is s.94 ) it shall be a defence that best practicable means were used …
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