Example sentences of "[adv] and the whole " in BNC.

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1 The whole horse militia of Westmorland and northern Lancashire , and all the militia of Cumberland , were drawn up in front of the little Lake District town , under the chief local landowner , Lord Lonsdale , and with 10,000 men they easily outnumbered the rebels , but a mere sight of Forster 's advance guard was enough and the whole body fled in terror , leaving the field littered with horses and arms .
2 In a telephone network , for example , if one key element breaks down and the whole system immediately crashes you have a ‘ catastrophic failure ’ , but if , instead , there is simply a progressive deterioration leading , after a period , to the same ultimate end , silence , then you are experiencing ‘ graceful degradation ’ .
3 Despite there being no grand passion , I 'd been faithful ; but take the faithfulness away and the whole thing crumbled into dust . ’
4 A piece of elastic is wound around one end ; a banger strip is pulled through and the whole lot is stuck down .
5 The family who has to care for children whether they 've got disabilities or not and the whole intention of this Act is that children are best cared for by parents and any alternative is second best .
6 It just went off and the whole place shook .
7 Eventually they will be used once more and the whole cycle will then have to be repeated .
8 If you 'd wanted to separate off your paras , you 'd put in a full size slug because it was easy to make up and the whole thing was absolutely modular erm but perhaps it would have looked better if it had been A four , or you know , Swiss in some way .
9 Needle invisibly and the whole bowl fill .
10 One evening the stars came out and the whole sky shone as clear as polished jet .
11 As history showed , despite the engineering skill deployed and the excellence of the final product , the sums did n't work out and the whole company fell .
12 It only needs someone to knock a window out and the whole thing could go up in flames . ’
13 Nancy used one of those in it and she just lifted it out and the whole lot shattered all over
14 He was too old now and the whole thing was altogether too complicated .
15 He had never been abroad before and the whole thing scared him a little .
16 But er and I think it 's most unfair on you two really and the whole thing .
17 When I thought I 'd run out of things to say I asked the front two rows to move back and the whole place started buzzing .
18 In preparing ours for today and the whole question of thinking of being , main precedency of communion rests in our understanding erm , of ordination , which I know later we we will have time to discuss .
19 There are the good days when things work out well and the whole world seems sunny , and the bad days when a depressing bug refuses to give up its secrets .
20 Some of the reasons for this have already been mentioned , but there are others as well and the whole lot may be summarised as follows :
21 My bone marrow was harvested a couple of weeks ago and the whole thing was a piece of cake .
22 All we can do I think is resist this strongly and the whole idea for reorganization particularly this time .
23 He might not even be there and the whole thing would have been for nothing and all he would have got out of it would have been kicks .
24 It 's absolutely massive , yes , it 's a national er campaign , so we 've been recruiting people from all kinds of ways ; direct mail , er getting in touch with people who 've done it for us before , er through magazines and so on and the whole thing has been a major logistical undertaking .
25 to leave if if the voluntary severance comes up again and the whole purpose of the exercise is to look to our future .
26 Eventually , this contracting economy reaches the slump again and the whole process restarts .
27 Moping around Meadowlands last year when Mario 's son was racing and the old man was too and the whole scene was as unglamorous as the Jersey flatlands can be , the burgers blazing on wet barbecues , Karl Haas 's cigar smouldering briefly in the foreground , it was as if Mario had brought a whole world of his own into the paddock , a world he 'd always had , that was completely self-sufficient and had a cleaner , friendlier air .
28 These filled up and blocked too and the whole Old City was brought to a standstill .
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