Example sentences of "[adv] the same type " in BNC.

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1 Peanuts are perfect badger bribes — just the same type that you buy to put out for the birds .
2 But if exactly the same type of accident as occurred in the Russian RBMK could not occur in a British PWR , was that the end of the story ?
3 In 1623 an elderly Roman organist , Paolo Quagliati ( C. 1555–1628 ) included in his Sfera armoniosa a duetto da camera for two sopranos and violino obligato in three sections distinguished by different characters , different metres , and ( obviously ) different tempi : EX. 87(ii) is a triple-time aria of exactly the same type as those by Berti and d'India just mentioned .
4 Notice also that there is an alternative and syntactically simpler way of expressing the second version , which is : ( 12 ) Haberup angered his golem We can see exactly the same type of ambiguity in : ( 13 ) Reg ran the engine dry The adverbal adjective version of ( 13 ) corresponding to the question what did Reg do to the engine ? tells us that Reg reduced the engine to a certain unsatisfactory state ( though he may at least have had the sense to stop at that point ) .
5 Action : The user-supplied module X is not the same type as that known to LIFESPAN .
6 But it 's not the same type of sale as as shoe salesman in a
7 We know , from representations of Egyptian axes on wall paintings , that initially the same type of axe was used as both tool and weapon .
8 ‘ You both have that golden skin , but yours makes one think of lovely geometrical planes , you 're all bone , she 's got bone too , but what one sees most is contour and colour — no , you are not remotely the same type , she could never be painted by a Modigliani or a Loulou , or a Piero for that matter , she is something between a Titian and a Gainsborough . ’
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