Example sentences of "[adv] hope for the " in BNC.

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1 So when you holiday in Britain you can wish for good weather and only hope for the best .
2 But it was probably too late to persuade Bigwig to be gentle : he could only hope for the best .
3 He does n't just hope for the best in other people — he genuinely believes in it .
4 Well we will just hope for the best , he 's not going up there so that 's one less .
5 I did not really know what to expect away from the National Health Service and my mum , and so , armed with a small library of books and the good wishes of a Jamaican midwife at Homerton hospital , I just hoped for the best .
6 There was no question of simply negotiating a deal with one American company , as producers had done in the 1930s , and then just hoping for the best .
7 ‘ We will go to Leeds , the defending champions , feeling confident , instead of just hoping for the best — and that 's a measure of how far we 've come .
8 This is not an amalgamation for its own sake , it is not an amalgamation to manage a continuing and more comfortable decline , it 's not bolting together two super unions into one mega union and just hoping for the best .
9 In 1967 too the Warsaw Pact states declared that West Germany should recognise East Germany as the first step to meaningful détente but Brandt could not yet go so far : most West Germans still hoped for the reunification of Germany .
10 He who also hopes for the leadership , but not yet , but still makes a speech fit for a leader .
11 After re-packing her case , she fervently hoped for the last time , she had a wash , and because it looked sunny and warm outside dressed in a skimpy vest with a blouse over the top , and a rather strange Fifties-style skirt covered in poppies .
12 Dalgliesh felt impatient for the arrival of the forensic biologist , although he knew he could n't hope for the answer , not yet .
13 If the chosen section has the greatest possible diversity and abundance of rapidly evolving fossils , we can then hope for the greatest possible number of different means for correlation .
14 Tossing it all together in a heap in a pan , and then hoping for the best , would produce another totally inedible meal .
15 But to deliver this programme successfully will require an invigoration of left politics , where hope for the dispossessed spreads to a sure-founded belief amongst the electorate that there is , after all , a worthwhile life after Thatcherism .
16 For his part , Lancaster had evidently hoped for the support of the king , but Edward firmly refused to have anything to do with his protest .
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