Example sentences of "[adv] likely [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For example , it is a recognized fact that a child who has been regularly beaten by one or both of his parents is extremely likely to inflict the same violence on his own children .
2 Compared with diabetic patients in urban areas , those in rural areas were less likely to attend a hospital based diabetic clinic ( 46% ( 442 ) v 86% ( 1054 ) , p<0.001 ) ; less likely to be receiving insulin ( 260 ( 27% ) v 416 ( 34% ) , p<0.001 and also after correction for differences in age distribution ) ; more likely to have advanced ( maculopathy or proliferative retinopathy ) diabetic retinopathy ( 13% ( 122 ) v 7% ( 89 ) , p<0.001 ) ; and more likely to require urgent laser photocoagulation for previously unrecognised retinopathy ( 1.4% ( 13 ) v 0.5% ( 6 ) , p<0.02 ) .
3 Use one of the proprietary woodworm injectors for this , as their special nozzles are designed to fit the holes and you are less likely to risk an eyeful of the fluid .
4 Pimelodus pictus will take smaller fish , such as Neons , but in a densely planted aquarium and if kept well fed , they are less likely to take the smaller inhabitants .
5 The skills of miners … are not easily transferable to other industries ; protest is less likely to take the form of moving to another industry .
6 While this arrangement is no less likely to confuse a cardiologist , psychologically speaking , it gives protection plus an air of mystique .
7 The administration set up its own special task force in order to find an alternative less likely to antagonise the logging industry .
8 Erm I think as Mr said , there does seem to be a fair degree of erm consensus around the table with the exception of that er a location in the Leeds York corridor would be less likely to serve the needs of of erm of York than than location on the north side .
9 It is still less likely to placate the soldiers who backed the failed uprising of December 3rd .
10 In general , simple cottage garden type flowers are the best ; highly bred double varieties and hybrids are less likely to give a good seed crop .
11 Because the drug is less likely to depress the respiratory system than other pain-killers , it has been marketed as particularly useful for young children and the aged .
12 In the second category , general civil cases , parties should be able to choose their own lawyers because the interests of justice would be inherently less likely to fetter the client 's right of choice .
13 Those who lived with a younger married couple were about five times less likely to receive a home-help visit than an elderly married couple .
14 On the other hand , they are probably less likely to join the transient homeless moving out of the area , and a number may well have returned to the sub-continent for a period , thus masking levels of continuing illness .
15 My reply to that is that the quiet passage of a canoe going with the current is less likely to disturb the otter than a walker tramping along the bank of the river .
16 For these reasons , and also because elderly patients were usually less mobile and less likely to leave the area , key workers for elderly patients were sometimes seen as redundant .
17 Amongst Mirror readers , there was no difference between Labour and Conservative identifiers in their perception of the Mirror 's anti-Conservative bias , though Conservative Mirror readers were somewhat less likely to detect a pro-Labour bias .
18 But research indicates that guests are no more or less likely to use a phone when one is available in the room . ’
19 I would tend to favour the first method as you are less likely to let the compost get too wet .
20 If I 'd been buying my fist laser today , the poor benighted soul would be less likely to endure a coronary , since , for less than one thousand pounds I could nip out and buy a very nicely specified machine .
21 The DSS then states : ’ Moreover , as supplementary benefit was replaced by income support from April 1988 , local offices are becoming less likely to possess the expertise to handle supplementary benefit and national assistance matters . ’
22 Working-class families , by contrast , are less likely to provide an environment that encourages scholastic skills .
23 In the method described previously , the analyst tries to select sentences ( or passages of some other size ) whose meaning is fairly ‘ neutral ’ from the emotional point of view , and will tend to avoid material such as ‘ Why do n't you leave me alone ? ’ or ‘ How can I ever thank you enough ? ’ because the lexical meaning of the words used already makes the speaker 's attitude pretty clear , whereas sentences such as ‘ She 's going to buy it tomorrow ’ or ‘ The paper has fallen under the table ’ are less likely to prejudice the listener .
24 In addition , hosts in sympatry were less likely to reject a mimetic model egg than a non-mimetic one .
25 Subsequently , they were much less likely to avoid the saccharin solution than rats which had been given water instead of vinegar ( Revusky , 1971 ) .
26 The modular system is less likely to encourage the development of cumulative subject knowledge and does not involve assessment through summatative exams .
27 All this is important , because young people who have good relationships with their parents are less likely to feel the need to try drugs .
28 If one jams on it is less likely to heat the tank to lethal levels , too .
29 One of the reasons for following a routine like this is so that you are less likely to make a mistake .
30 If you understand WHY you have to do certain things , you 're less likely to make a mistake .
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