Example sentences of "[adv] stand for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both restrictive and non-restrictive adjectives in sentences such as ( 3 ) are alike in that they instantiate the P in : ( 6 ) [ P E ] The difference between the two possibilities is solely that , in cases of non-restriction , the speaker is aware that the identification carried out by the noun phrase as a whole is the same as it would be if the adjective ( limiting ourselves to adjectival instances ) were not present ; in essence , we have the situation as in ( 7 ) ( where the sign =i obviously stands for equality on the parameter of identification , and not for the intensional relation of equation ) : ( 7 ) In practice , the situation is almost always somewhat more complicated in English , because there will nearly always be a determiner ; thus the non-restrictive status of the adjective in the subject phrase of ( 8 ) can be represented by the formula ( 9 ) , with Pb as the adjectival property and Pc as the property inherent in the noun ( while Pa represents the word this ) : ( 8 ) this Christian Pope committed most unchristian acts ( 9 ) Nevertheless , the presence of other elements in a noun phrase beside the non-restrictive adjective and the noun itself in no way alters the principle involved .
2 ( 8 ) Where the prospective parliamentary candidate has been selected and subsequently intimates his or her intention not to stand for parliament in the constituency as the Labour Party candidate at the next election , the procedure set out in section ( 3 ) of this clause shall ( subject to section ( 4 ) of this clause ) be forthwith set in motion again .
3 The reshuffle was made easier by the decision of John Wakeham , formerly Energy Secretary , not to stand for re-election .
4 Reluctantly , Johnson accepted their advice , and on 31 March 1968 he made a dramatic appearance on nationwide television to announce a fresh peace initiative , the reduction of bombing raids on North Vietnam , and his decision not to stand for re-election in November .
5 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
6 Committee Miss J. Brown and Mrs. V. Hawkins have decided not to stand for re-election to the committee .
7 The Austrian Communist Party ( Kommunistische Partei Österreichs — KPÖ ) at its congress in Vienna on Jan. 20-21 , 1990 , accepted the decision of Franz Muhri , who had been chair for 25 years , not to stand for re-election .
8 On June 17 Roman announced his intention not to stand for President .
9 The speed at which McCarthy gathered support stunned America and had the campuses screaming with delight , especially when , on 31 March , their arch-enemy Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not stand for re-election .
10 He replaces Berndt Schultz , the Fair 's founder , who did not stand for re-election .
11 European leaders who had feared since Korea that America 's relentless anti-Communism would end in disaster gave Johnson little support and he did not stand for re-election in 1968 .
12 He did not stand for re-election to the Parliament of 1780 ; but he was elected for Ripon in 1787 , and became a commissioner of the Board of Trade in 1788 .
13 Whilst the process of jury selection was still under way , Barry made a television address on June 13 in which he announced that he would not stand for re-election for a fourth term in November 1990 , but would serve the remainder of his current four-year term , due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 .
14 However , she did not stand for re-election in 1979 .
15 He stated that he would not stand for re-election as majority whip in the Senate , nor would he seek re-election to the Senate when his current term expired in 1992 .
16 Kokoomus , led by the outgoing Prime Minister , Harri Holkeri ( who did not stand for re-election ) , lost 3.8 per cent and 13 of its 53 seats .
17 ( vi ) Bankrupts — an undischarged bankrupt can not stand for Parliament .
18 That as they 've been made redundant , as they 've been victimized for trade union activity possibly , we then as a union decide that they can not stand for office ?
19 I feel that we need now new blood on the committee , and coupled with the fact that I 've done one one more year than the constitution says I should , I 'm not standing for reelection as Chairman .
20 He 's not standing for parliament !
21 THE only Football Supporters candidate ever to stand for Parliament has issued his touchline manifesto to the North-East 's election candidates .
22 ‘ We have always stood for service .
23 The company has always stood for excellence in analogue sound reproduction , its fame having been made by its first and longest running model , the LP12 turntable .
24 Clothkits has always stood for quality clothes .
25 Er here erm you can form your own views about whether Mill 's right or wrong , I mean that the situation of a secret ballot was brought in to erm overcome as one where the local industrist industrialist who employed half the member of the town was also standing for parliament .
26 After Oliver Cromwell became lord protector , Bishop gradually turned over his duties to John Thurloe [ q.v. ] and retired to Bristol , where he unsuccessfully stood for Parliament in 1654 .
27 He also stood for Parliament , unsuccessfully , in 1794 and 1806 .
28 Relating that to Labour 's ‘ unprecendented mass conversion ’ to moderation in Brighton last week , Mrs Thatcher said she did not believe her opponents now stood for home ownership , strong defence and financial rectitude .
29 That 's one reason children in the United States ca n't vote , they ca n't buy alcohol and ca n't stand for election .
30 In other words , you could n't stand for office in Harlow and say for instance erm if erm if we er win the election we 're gon na stop the sale of council houses .
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