Example sentences of "[adv] put himself in " in BNC.

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1 One of a director 's fiduciary duties of particular relevance in management buy-outs is that he must not put himself in a position where his duty to the company may conflict with his personal interest .
2 Mr Lo thus put himself in the forefront of consensus politics in Hong Kong , thereby leaving his unrelated namesake , Lo Tak-shing , to seize the high ground further to the right .
3 Yet I recall an episode many years ago in which a man deliberately put himself in this predicament .
4 Though comparatively few knights were actually killed in battle , the prince who committed his cause to battle was also putting himself in jeopardy , since it was always clear that the surest way to win a battle was to capture or kill the opposing commander , as Harold was killed at Hastings .
5 It is also clear from Walkley v Precision Forgings [ 1979 ] 1 WLR 606 and Chappell v Cooper [ 1980 ] 2 All ER 463 that where the plaintiff commences an action during the primary s11 or s12 limitation period but then puts himself in a position where he can not pursue it , for instance by letting his writ expire without service or delaying so much that his action is struck out for want of prosecution , the court will have no power to exercise s33 discretion , since it is the plaintiff 's own action or default which has prejudiced him and not the operation of s11 or 12 .
6 The young CA apprentice travelled from London to Paris and then put himself in the hands of the International Brigades organisation for the final leg of his journey to Spain .
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