Example sentences of "[pron] [adv prt] in front " in BNC.

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1 The big man has been in a clinic since breaking a leg against Crystal Palace last week and the only way he can join in the Reds rise is by cheering them on in front of his telly .
2 They felt that he had let them down in front of others .
3 A very simple way of collecting examples of people talking is to sit them down in front of the camera and get them to talk to it .
4 Yeah , I know we went in there last week , cos they had these cards , they got those things with six bugs on them , they 're really ugly looking things , Aaron wanted them , he has n't half been playing some tricks on Gary take them down in front of Gary and that Gary 's aagh
5 I let you down in front of your friends , and I 'm sorry .
6 you out in front , unsure of your footing
7 Stand them up in front of somebody , tutor , and they 'll speak more quickly .
8 Eventually The Fat Controller pulled me up in front of a viciously scalped hedge of box .
9 He lit a cheroot , opened the drawer of a walnut table , took out some plans and spread them out in front of me .
10 I also make the rule that , before a person has had a turn , they sit with their legs crossed and afterwards place them out in front .
11 ‘ Two yards from the special , Magee raised his two arms together holding them out in front of him in the combat position , and to his horror PC Kelly saw a handgun protruding from Magee 's clenched fists .
12 The tension in his relationship with Ricky was made worse when he began to needle him , to run him down in front of others .
13 NORTHERN Ireland Minister Michael Mates was placed on probation last night after John Major publicly slapped him down in front of MPs .
14 Although she was trained , she was still a beginner — like me — and it was n't easy to settle her down in front of all those kids , who , naturally , were all pointing and whispering when we came into the classroom .
15 Because Irina did not want to travel in one of the carts , Jehan had taken her up in front of him .
16 He stopped beside her chair , reaching with easy strength to pull her up in front of him .
17 In 1984 his friend of many years , Liz Taylor , tried to get him back in front of the cameras and to conquer his alcoholism .
18 It was kind of exciting to realise that another three strides would put her out in front of everybody , almost like looking over a low rail at a mile-long drop .
19 Then he caught hold of the girl , roughly , by her plait , and dragged her round in front of him .
20 ‘ How dare you order me about in front of my friend ? ’ she demanded .
21 Ordering me about in front of Candy , knowing I had no choice other than to meekly obey , was downright contemptible ! ’
22 Put it on in front , put it Kathleen .
23 The claw touched the transparent visor of the helmet and slid it down in front of Ace 's face .
24 The next moment the waiter came back to Harvey carrying a little cake with twenty-six candles — all alight — he put it down in front of Harvey and Harvey sang — quite loudly all by himself — Harvey sang ‘ Happy Birthday to Me ’ all through .
25 Away goes Lawrence to , takes it again with the bottom hand away from the bat , it 's off the back foot this time , stabbing it down in front of him , a short of a length ball .
26 He was recently quoted as saying : ‘ I 've got a terrible habit when people bring in a picture and say they want to look like that — I invariably tear it up in front of them .
27 I got my wallet out of my pocket and held it up in front of my eyes .
28 He pulled out a transparent bag and held it up in front of Jed 's eyes .
29 A DIVORCED wife cut off her former husband 's manhood with a razor and forced him to hold it up in front of her mocking friends , police said in Dacca , Bangladesh .
30 The unarmed man then produced a buff-coloured plastic ID card and held it up in front of Vasili .
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