Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] will become " in BNC.

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1 I know then there is no one but me — only I can possibly stop the fountain of blood and minced flesh which my sister will become in those flashing , fluttering blades .
2 I will become so deeply interested in whatever I am doing … in whatever is going on around me … my mind will become completely distracted away from myself .
3 Every day … my mind will become calmer and clearer … more composed … more placid … more tranquil …
4 ‘ And tell her that my party will become an engagement party . ’
5 Their breathing will become shallow and the pulse rapid and weak where 's your casualty going ?
6 An old fragrance that 's past its prime will become oily , strong-smelling , and may look darker in colour .
7 The more devout they are , the uglier their faith will become since it is based on a lie .
8 It is impossible for the voter to know in advance whether it is his ballot paper which is going to contribute to the result of the election in this way but if voters do not express enough preferences then there is a risk that at some stage in the count their vote will become non-transferable and therefore exercise no further influence upon the result .
9 One may think that as the ethical equality of human beings comes to be recognized in our society , the masculine nature of their religion will become an ever more pressing question for Christians .
10 The coinage evidence is no less significant , but its nature will become sufficiently apparent when we examine what it has to offer in Chapter 5 .
11 As it is moved away from the centre of energy towards the edge of the rectangle , the drawing will appear smaller and heavier while the significance of its content will become subordinate to its overall shape .
12 It is likely that a structure which was appropriate to an organisation at a particular stage in its development will become less so as it matures .
13 Their use will become more widespread .
14 Now that the long nights approach and the temperature is dropping towards the frosty lows of winter , their lot will become more miserable .
15 Her brain will become part of Pool , ’ Lacuna said .
16 This conveys ‘ one of the mysterious paradoxes of copulation and procreation … : the overwhelming strength of a moment engenders events whose meaning will become clear only in their result in time ’ .
17 Man , for his part will become the short-lived individual who will strive to safeguard that pattern by exalting the keeper that is his Created God , and this God will endure for as long as there is life on earth and no longer .
18 His experience will become centred on machines ; eventually , his kind will become adjuncts of the machine .
19 His experience will become centred on machines ; eventually , his kind will become adjuncts of the machine .
20 The general or ‘ philosophical ’ curriculum that I advocate would be based on a single principle : that the less narrowly a child 's critical faculties are confined within the bounds of a single set of concepts or procedures , the more easily he will be able to adapt to life after school , whether at work or in higher education , and the more free his imagination will become ; these two targets in fact being one and the same .
21 * forecasts and targets — individual territory forecasts may be viewed with scepticism when an individual salesperson suspects that his forecast will become his sales target .
22 If they continue to rise , our recession will become deeper and deeper .
23 Whilst this little lot may cost you a packet , your PC will become the all singing all dancing box the salesman claimed it would be .
24 Eat well and your complexion will become clear and radiant , your eyes will sparkle , your whole appearance will improve .
25 To start with you will try to note every phonetic variation but gradually your transcription will become " broader " , that is , you will realise or find out by systematic analysis that , for example , all the voiceless alveolar stops on the language are aspirated and therefore there is no need to keep writing [ th ] every time , [ t ] is enough .
26 By sticking to the same route , your dog will become familiar with its surroundings , and will be far less likely to end up lost even if it strays away from you .
27 Your writing will become ridiculous if you cram metaphors together .
28 Then our happiness will become authentic and secure .
29 You 'll be surprised how tranquil your life will become and how much time to talk you will have .
30 Many houses on your list will become rejects purely because of the drawbacks of their location .
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