Example sentences of "[pron] [be] common [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of them are common sense but you would be surprised how , in our eagerness to succeed , we often forget them .
2 Other things which you may consume more when the summer comes , and which are common allergens , are cola drinks , shell fish , pineapples , cherries and plums .
3 This node could characterise a reading of a text with a surprise ending or a twist in the tail , which are common occurrences in SF short stories .
4 Most grazing is on the moorland which is common land shared between the crofters .
5 Again he was much influenced by other composers such as C P E Bach , and he used their themes too — which was common practice in the 18th century .
6 AIthough there are common concerns shared by the two theories , and indeed attempts to draw on both of them , there are also differences in terms of , for instance , the way in which they characterize society , or the part of it they are dealing with , the degree to which they focus on production and technology , whether their focus is on sectors or wider processes , and in relation to evidence ( both in terms of whether their balance is towards description or explanation and in terms of their interpretation of evidence ) .
7 This contention is supported by Bird and Morgan-Jones ( 1981 , p. 92 ) , who state that ‘ as far as possible all SSAPs , excluding of course those not relevant , are intended to apply to all enterprises , including charities and other nonprofit organizations ’ and Hepworth and Vass ( 1984 , p. 43 ) , who believe in ‘ a common approach where there are common elements ’ .
8 They may differ from country to country , as may the level of pollution deemed acceptable , but there are common elements which make it possible to distinguish four types of strategies : ( 1 ) air quality management , ( 2 ) emission standards , ( 3 ) economic , and ( 4 ) cost-benefit .
9 Because , despite such tensions , there are common themes within conservative and liberal thought on matters which are of central importance to the normativist style .
10 Nevertheless , there are common features in organisational structures and it is helpful to analyse some of the most typical features .
11 There is no doubt that there are common features contained in the Spinelli Report and the Brussels Agreement which was adopted eight years later .
12 There are common threads running through each of the common definitions .
13 Moreover , there are common types of table which are quite difficult to read because of special features .
14 The authors surveyed forty-three high performance companies in the United States to see if there were common factors in their success .
15 My Lord it 's pleaded that there 's common practice in the statement of claim .
16 Nevertheless , we shall find there is common ground , but we need first to pursue the Stanislavskian actor a bit further .
17 There is common ground in relation to English , mathematics , science , and technology .
18 In so far as this involves finding more and more ingenious ways of keeping as many people as possible away from unspoilt parts of rural England , there is common ground between some visitors to the countryside and many of those who live and work there .
19 But in that there is common ground with Psychiatry : people who believe that they themselves are God are generally considered to be insane .
20 I am sure that there is common ground with my hon. Friend , because I accept that we need steadily to improve training — indeed , we have been putting more money into that .
21 Whether the emphasis in mystical theology is on the interaction of those God-given human faculties which are understood as an image of his being and the means by which man may realise the love and truth manifested in the Incarnation , or on the essential unknowability of the transcendent source from whence that love and truth emanated in time , there is common ground between the two approaches in the sense of a dynamic with which man may engage .
22 There is common agreement amongst librarians , even outside the school library sector , that the earlier a person acquires library and information skills the better .
23 The approach taken is a two stage one : firstly , the identification of those distinctions concerning which there is common agreement ; secondly the creation of a uniform encoding system within which those distinctions can be expressed for interchange .
24 We can believe that the pub is universally respected and prized and that there is common cause and common understanding between owners , operators and users alike .
25 From the backstreets of Naples to the shanty towns of Rio , the tenements of Barcelona and the sprawling housing estates of British cities , there is common cause in football .
26 Typically also , however , there was common use of preliminary direct address , to indicate both the subject and the fact of its performance .
27 There are considerable differences over the interpretation of the three methodological practices , but in their general form they are common currency amongst Marxists .
28 ‘ Drugs are a very serious issue — and you 're quite right , I have been involved in a world where they 're common currency .
29 I do n't think they 're common criminals .
30 Most of them had the familiar ‘ jizz ’ of guillemots but were too far out for us to tell if they were common guillemots or the Arctic species , Brünnich 's guillemots. ( 'Jizz' is a term coined by experienced birdwatchers to explain how a distant or fleeting glimpse of a bird can produce a positive identification without your being able to say exactly why . )
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