Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] best " in BNC.

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1 All quite harmless fun , no doubt — even Karen was n't going to seduce her husband 's partners teenage son — but I was not best pleased , especially since Tibbs showed no reciprocal interest in me .
2 I was n't best pleased to see her .
3 The latter is composed of a penis which is usually unpaired ( but may be double , as in the Ephemeroptera and some Dermaptera ) and a pair of more lateral structures which are perhaps best referred to as parameres , though this term has been used in several different senses .
4 We will ensure that the standards implemented through the Children Act are applied sensibly , and do not discourage private or voluntary arrangements which are often best suited to the needs of children and parents .
5 Etching a thin section in a 10% solution of NH 4 Cl for 2 minutes is also good for revealing filaments , which are then best seen in a combination of reflected and transmitted light .
6 The leaflet shows a straight-sided bottle , which might hold more fish and be more accommodating to equipment than the teardrop option , which is probably best suited to just a couple of goldfish .
7 The Olympic tournament is being played on clay , a surface which is not best suited to his style of play , and he is also due to get married the following week .
8 Op. 2 contains one of the finest of all German songs , ‘ Schenk mir deinen Goldenen Kamm ’ , which is perhaps best suited to a male voice .
9 A further concept was that of the Ka , which was inherent in gods , kings and men and which is perhaps best translated as meaning the life-force .
10 There is no need to become over-anxious about the subject of diet for the elderly.We simply need to keep a careful eye on things , to see that they are eating a good variety of food which includes plenty of protein , dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables , together with some roughage , which is often best taken in the form of a bran cereal , and which will , in many cases , completely eliminate the problem of constipation and ease that of piles .
11 Her modesty in the face of such popularity is endearing , especially as it is for her self-confidence in front of canvas and tv camera for which she is probably best known !
12 She is perhaps best known for her book South Riding which was based locally .
13 All the same , she was n't best pleased to be disturbed by a knock on her door as she wrapped herself in a towelling robe and hid her wet hair in a turban after she stepped out of the shower .
14 She was not best pleased .
15 He had had ten minutes on the telephone from Downing Street , and the lady resident there was not best pleased .
16 They are also best soaked although wire brushing is sometimes needed to remove tenacious deposits and restore finish .
17 We can represent the difference between the two as a cline , or continuum , with extreme cases at either end and a range of intermediate possibilities in between : Formal spoken discourse Conversation There are many polar opposites in discourse classification , but they are usually best represented in this way , as we shall see later .
18 In this sense they are perhaps best viewed as strategic clusters employed to help in the scrutiny of curriculum changes and conflicts . [ … ]
19 It 's fine walking country in any weather , though it 's probably best avoided on Bank Holidays and summer Sundays .
20 Whatever arrangements you make , it 's always best if you can see the buildings in the flesh , so you can examine the way they 're put together , and have a close look at the various features offered before making a final decision .
21 It 's usually best if it is linked with reminiscence ( see page 123 ) .
22 It 's actually best if you can keep away from the dip altogether , and concentrate on the fresh bite of the unadulterated vegetables !
23 It is probably best if the main criteria for judgement are identified as the plans are agreed .
24 It is probably best regarded as a typically British way of enabling two parties , representing different , occasionally even conflicting , interests to rub along together without too much friction .
25 Easily Accessible : Banbury lies on the edge of the Cotswolds and is therefore ideally situated for walking , but it is probably best known for both the nursery rhyme ‘ Ride a cock horse to Banbury Cross , To see a fine lady , upon a white horse ’ and for its special cakes made from a 300-year old recipe .
26 It is probably best found by looking directly between Achernar to the one side and Lepus to the other .
27 It is probably best classified as a phonic alternative , that is , it suggests that any spelling strategy should pay attention to the visual memory .
28 I think that the sort of environmental problem to which the hon. Gentleman referred is so great that it is probably best dealt with by multilateral institutions .
29 If there is a mortgage granted in the husband 's favour on the property , it is probably best either that the policy be in the names of the husband and wife , or ( more properly ) in the wife 's sole name , but with the husband 's interest as mortgagee noted thereon .
30 Irrespective of whether a horse 's bad habit is associated with anxiety or expectation , it is often best dealt with by avoiding the situation in which it appears ; until the horse 's anxiety or expectation is reduced , and a new habit of desirable behaviour has begun to form .
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