Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] enough [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's important to me that you hear my side of the story — though God knows it does me little enough credit !
2 Her sleeve of care was unravelled all right : her life was a basket of woollen shreds , all shades and textures and not one of them long enough to do anything with .
3 Every attempt will be made to open up dialogue with the kidnappers and to stall them long enough to trace where your wife and daughter are being held .
4 No-one has been using them long enough to know .
5 It takes them long enough to cut a way through to the chimney of the air shaft , sawing through the rhodie branches and tearing away the brambles and other undergrowth ; then they lever off the iron grating over the shaft without any difficulty , and one of the younger cops , in an overall and a hard hat , wraps the rope around himself — proper climbing rope they had in the back of one of the Range Rovers — and abseils down into the darkness .
6 But am I strong enough to watch him trying to fly over things and skim around things and fritter energy and search ?
7 The real mystery about his story is not why two wives refused to make love to him , but how he stopped talking about himself long enough to invite them to bed in the first place .
8 Plenty long enough to discover whether you find it intolerable to live with her .
9 He 'd hear the engine starting , of course , but , by the time he 'd got himself together enough to do anything about it , she should at least have a head start .
10 The object is to look at the growth experience of the United Kingdom over the last 80 years or so as a whole — which strangely enough has not yet been examined .
11 How can she possibly know somebody well enough to get married , the little ninny !
12 Rodo replied , ‘ The swamp you near enough got yourself eaten in . ’
13 I can not urge you strongly enough to resist the temptation of trying to work with such tapes .
14 Maybe it is feasible for you to find someone who knows you well enough to comment ( friend , family or colleague ) and to give you some personal insights .
15 You do ri well we know you well enough to know your voice though .
16 This emotion which , even as I planned to drive to Prague , while admitting only to liking you well enough to want to ease any problems that might arise , made me instruct Lubor … ’
17 One of his gunners , FS Cameron , who oddly enough baled out from two aircraft whose captains , ultimately , were posthumously awarded the VC , has his portrait in that magnificent War Museum at Canberra .
18 " The language of section 142(1) of the Law of Property Act 1925 seems to me wide enough to enable an action to be brought by [ D ] against [ L ] .
19 But because both CSPs and more general phonological variables are variety-specific , it is difficult to distinguish them clearly enough to apply the taxonomy more generally .
20 ‘ Julie , whoever those men are , whoever this Farrell is , they want something badly enough to kill for it .
21 It was not until they had rounded a bend in the road , and the echoes of Master Thomas 's good wishes had long since died away , that Isabel managed to pull herself together enough to recall her resolution to put fitzAlan at a safe distance — and keep him there .
22 Other women might be able to cope with an affair that was based on passion and nothing else , but she knew herself well enough to realise she could only be permanently scarred by such an involvement .
23 She knew herself well enough to know that if he challenged her account in the latter mode she 'd almost certainly lose her temper with him , and then the atmosphere between them , which had been ( with the exception of his overtures ) so easy and undemanding , would be spoiled .
24 As Scott said later , the judges ‘ were not Gothicly disposed and though they awarded premiums to all the best Gothic designs they took care not to put any of them high enough to have much chance ’ .
25 We do n't really know them well enough do we ?
26 ‘ The Vetch ’ is a really good restaurant ; so good , I ca n't afford to eat there , but I have played there on occasions and most of the staff know me well enough to stop for a drink and a chat .
27 He did n't actually talk about it to me — I suppose he knows me well enough to guess that I 'd have dug in my heels .
28 She offered to come down for the weekend to help , and Carolyn wanted her badly enough to hesitate before putting her off .
29 Theodore Mann , co-founder and producer of Circle-In-The-Square since 1951 , had seen Dustin on stage and wanted him badly enough to have dismissed two directors instead of the actor .
30 She had not known him long enough to become accustomed to the impact of his looks , but she felt confident she could hide any extra fluttering of the pulse which he gave her .
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